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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. There are millions and millions of people who have no concept of vinyl records, let alone turntables and slipmats. Not surprised.
  2. Top shelf electro compilation series from Trust, first release w/ DJ Glow & DL/MS, Microthol & Keith Tucker, DJ Stingray & The Exaltics, and VC-118A & Privacy; other artists coming up in the series, included but not limited to: Ultradyne, Peter Mannerfelt, Alex Cortex, Clatterbox, Stenny, D.Tiffany, Microthol, Second Storey, DJ Di’jital, Luxus Varta, and others. Highly recommended.
  3. Four tracks of downtempo dubbed out IDM sound experiments, PWYW. Recommended.
  4. Igloo says things. The album is very BOCsy.
  5. Freud's description is actually more generic, it's the child's sexual desire towards the opposite-sex parent and hatred of the same-sex parent. The thing is that the theory is based on Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, where Oedipus' parents are foretold at his birth that he will kill his father and marry his mother, and he is sent away to avoid the prophecy - but of course the prophecy will be fulfilled, although Oedipus doesn't know that until the end; when he investigates who killed his father, and when he and his mother find out, the mother hangs herself and Oedipus pokes out his eyes. For Freud to jump from a Greek play to incest murder porn is probably due to the copious amounts of cocaine he medicated himself (and his patients with neurasthenia) with.
  6. Cunningham's Law states "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer."
  7. Netflix and Neil Gaiman finally unveil the first look at The Sandman TV series (The A/V Club) This. I'm really looking forward to it, having been a Gaiman/Sandman fan about as long as I can remember. Good Omens was as good as it gets, and the Sandman series is already looking better. Giddy middle-aged fanboys FTW.
  8. You're describing faceted search. It's information retrieval 101. I don't think there's any player/management software that can do that for you (by default), but most of them have rudimentary facets like artist and album name views, drilling down on specifics requires simple stacking of facets. I understand you just want to create an arbitrary ordered hierarchy of tags and their values to generate a virtual folder structure on the fly, and not (explicitly) filter (i.e. search), but you're still using facets in a combinatorial context. The digital death of collecting (Kyle Chayka)
  9. I have a bit over hundred releases not available to me anymore, out of 3400+. Half of them are recoverable, as they've changed details/ids/URLs due to re-releases and such, but the rest are just... gone. It's a concrete reminder to download at least the FLACs immediately on purchase and archive them.
  10. Got my copies of the reissues, proper. Alas, no download codes included.
  11. I finally received the replacement vinyl of Succour REDUX, and guess what? The mastering glitches are still there, so they've just sent me another copy of the original pressing. As for the digital, the problem between Rupt and Vex persists, but Monastic has been fixed. Let's see how they respond to me opening this up again.
  12. Just kidding? I really don't know what to do with that, as an aspie I have a rather dysfunctional humour interpreter.
  13. Mathematicians discover music really can be infectious – like a virus (The Guardian)
  14. I use MP3Tag, it integrates nicely with Discogs, too. The main development is for Windows, but there's also a MacOS version.
  15. I've been DJing for nearly three decades, my vinyl shelves are organized by label, too, labels coarsely grouped by genre with notable exceptions like Warp, RePHLeX that are all over the genre map, but they have so many releases that they fill whole shelf spans by themselves.
  16. dcom


    Saw Dune in the theatre today, loved it, regardless that it's part one - so yes, half of the story with a hard to-be-continued ending - and part two starts filming 2022 at the earliest. I loved Villeneuve's Blade Runner, too, but my favourite from his oeuvre is still Arrival (although Ted Chiang's short story Story of Your Life it's based on is even better - all of his stories are amazing). Haters gonna hate, and there are always those who love to be Dementors towards others' pleasure - "I don't like it so you're stupid."
  17. Designated folder on a local NAS, folder hierarchy <label>/<release>, shared among all devices on my local network; easy to manage, I have the library set up in various players on various devices, listening on a dedicated old 7" tablet with VLC, hooked up to WiFi and mixer; tracks for DJ sets selected with Rekordbox. Backups to external hard drives (4 drive rotation) with a HD dock connected to the NAS box. I listen and play only music that I've bought, as I've written several times elsewhere - fuck Spotify and other rent-seeking streaming services. I prefer to own, not rent. My current digital collection is just a hair over 30K tracks (30063 to be exact), probably some 4000-4500 separate releases (I buy only full releases, I don't pick and choose tracks from here and there); there's some overlap with my vinyl collection for convenience. I have a VPN setup so I can use the library from almost anywhere, but I don't. Besides the digital, some 6000+ vinyl records and about a thousand or so CDs. Oh, and did I mention fuck Spotify? Fuck Spotify.
  18. Only one track available at the moment, waiting enthusiastically for more.
  19. That's what I've got, too. Left ear only - although it's already burned itself out (by destroying things in the inner ear) so that I have nothing but noise and tinnitus in that ear, making me half-deaf for all intents and purposes. The vertigo attacks used to be REALLY harsh with quick onset (although I didn't have tumarkin attacks, the extremely fast ones basically rendering you unconscious for a brief period of time, really dangerous), I would have to crawl to the bathroom to vomit, then sweat, shiver, and suffer on the bathroom floor until I was able to crawl back to bed; in the worst period I was taking days off work almost weekly because of the recurring attacks which could continue for 2-3 days - at least I could lie on the sofa, keep my head static and watch TV, but mostly I just slept. Betahistine (Betaserc) did nothing for me, prochlorperazine (Stemetil, Compazine) helped occasionally when an attack was on. I got it from my mother (who has it in both ears), whose right ear was operated on through the mastoid bone behind the ear and a shunt installed in the saccus endolymphaticus to drain it of excess fluid (one of the reasons for the vertigo attacks) - she has hearing aids in both ears, and I should go and get one, too, just to see if I can get rudimentary stereo hearing back. The probability of genetic transmission is about 10-15 %, so I'm a bit concerned I'll pass it on to my progeny.
  20. Only just got around to check this out, and liking it very much; pushes my breaks & synths buttons nicely, thank you very much. Recommended.
  21. A quick browse tells me that as 12"s you would have to pay ~40-50 € each, so with 11 + binder + 10 I would say the lowest you could get to it is around the 600-700 € mark, not including p&p. I wouldn't even think of selling mine under 1000 €, so 250 € would be an insult.
  22. Yes they did. Not everything gets a new topic. Please clear the the tracking parameters of the URLs you post. Thank you.
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