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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by toaoaoad

  1. Turns out I was wrong about column thirteen being the same tempo... it's not. Very close tho. I think its harmonic complexity makes it a poor candidate for mashups anyway.
  2. Always nice to see some appreciation for this one. I think it gets overshadowed by other Quaristice tracks especially the ones with multiple versions. It definitely belongs in this thread, such beautiful production and arrangement of sounds. It's one of their best ambient tracks imo and during the Quaristice era it was my falling asleep music -- too bad it didn't get an extended version!
  3. Thanks for your feedback. I rescind my comment and mean no actual offense/personal attack towards the people who were hating on the album. Just seemed like there was a big clump of it all in one place, and seemed a little excessive. I notice this type of thing around here from time to time and find it a bit irksome, especially as most of us are in our thirties or older and ought to be a lil more mature. It is a public forum after all and I think some longtimers still treat it like a private club. Anyway, as you were.
  4. Clustro casual might also be part of this family
  5. I had a similar thought, or that they are related jams. Column thirteen also has the same tempo and a kick drum on beat 1 of every measure. It might be a basic pattern that they start with and build on top of.
  6. Noticed that these two tracks follow the same basic beat pattern, have the same tempo, and are fairly sparse, and thought they might mash well together - and they do!
  7. Ohh you're right. This is quite good. Not sure why I overlooked this one!
  8. Okie Dokie is mostly pretty solid. Other than that, Moonbuilding is the only thing I've really liked of theirs since Orblivion. Better off just listening to Thomas Fehlmann albums imo.
  9. I think there was something about that Soy Chorizo in the dank memes thread not long ago I am consuming: Beet juice
  10. Quitting weed this week. Day 3. Here's hoping no one gets hurt ?
  11. What's with all the deftones hate? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you need to be a prick about it Oh wait this is watmm
  12. So did you only count the ones that had two or more nominations? I don't see the Jonas Munk album on your list
  13. FWIW Sean stated in AAA that this wasn't them tho ^ but that it's "another gescom related person" ?
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