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Satans Little Helper

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Everything posted by Satans Little Helper

  1. Perhaps he has become financially dependent on his followers. So now he needs to do stuff which allows him to score. It's all a bit too pathetic, imo. I was surprised Frans de Waal did an interview/podcast with him recently. Surprised he want there tbh. (Frans needs to sell his new book of course. But it's Frans so it's all good. I mean, his work actually has value)
  2. i guess it makes a difference if you're the president running the exact country you want to overthrow, or just some foreign agent without executive powers
  3. Smells like mental gymnastics. And I say this with the knowledge that voices in US government have indeed mentioned preferring Russia dig themselves in the Ukrainien hole (because it weakens them). Apparently, Russia is under some immediate threat. Which one exactly? Nazis in the Ukraine? Or Ukraine’s desire to join Nato (and or EU) and become a western democracy? * cough its not the nazis cough * And if so, what is the immediate threat? It didn’t look like the Ukrain was going anywhere (eu or nato). That discussion only started to move again *after* Putin made his decision to escalate. And this proces to move towards a western styled democracy, wasnt that based on what the Ukrainien people want? Have you noticed them fighting back against this Russian initiated invasion? You consider that a proxy war of the cough US cough? What do you think motivates the Ukrainien people? Do you really believe these people are mere pawns in some US power play? Come on man. How willfully ignorant do you think those Ukrainians are? They are fighting for their lives and you’re pointing fingers to some half arsed geopolitical propaganda from Russian state tv.
  4. Thanks! It's a bit too obvious by now to wonder out loud, but it still surprises me that this "ukrainian-russian"-conflict is actually about Russia fighting the "West" on Ukrainian territory (which Putin argues is Russian territory in the first place). Russia, in their mind (if you can actually say that), is actually at war with the west. With us. This is F-ed up. /obvious
  5. Maybe my memory is bugged, but sean also mentioned something about not liking the album-format and preferring to release those live sets (and hopefully nts/elseq sessions) right? I mean, i think the odds are higher we'll see those live sets popping up after the 2022 tour, than something which resembles a regular release.
  6. Anyone knows what the translation is? Looks like russian propaganda ridiculing Sweden and Finland for joining nato.
  7. Well, since his benzo addiction episode i get the impression he's changed. on a fundamental level. he gives the impression of being more emotionally unstable. or less stable, depending on your perspective, i guess. but it's something which he didn't have before, imo. or at least, his public persona was stronger, if you will. perhaps that is what you mean with little bitch energy. although i suspect there's plenty people who will think any time he's on his anti-postmodernism/wokism rant - regardless of when that was in relationship to his benzo addiction - he's acting like a little b*tch. and that might be what you're referring to. (in which case we're talking about something else)
  8. Well, he does bring the stereotypical strong father figure to the table. I mean, if you were wondering why there’s an awful lot of “lost” boys gravitating towards him, it is that. Or, as he says himself “purpose and responsibility” which Im sure he has said somewhere is associated with the father figure. If you look past all the cookie stuff, it is obvious right? Hell, sometimes I think lots of Trumpists are unconsciously drawn to him for similar reasons. Father figure. Although ten times more toxic. (Point being, there seem to be plenty people drawn to it. And to be completely fair, I can also recognize that gravitational pull within myself. Thankfully not that strong though.)
  9. O man, you're making it way too complex. Reducing the risk of catching while the new variants spread faster (more easily transmissible) than older variants? That's too tough of an expectation to meet. Nevertheless, congrats with your superbooster. The vaccine, virus combo works best, I've heard. (read: congrats with your new and updated superpowers!)
  10. vaccines help against serious disease in the first place. so it seems to have done its job...? no hospital or long term effects = victory!
  11. Jordan approves! edit: this post also serves as an attempt to hijack the thread and bend it into the direction of michael jordan fanboiwankery
  12. The grey/salt and pepper hair do mix wonderfully well with the black clothing style. But the entire crew is a bit too much guys. Instant satire. /metrosexual
  13. Probably expected because he played Gandhi in "some" oscar winning movie
  14. Didn't know Gandhi wrote Hitler a letter (before WW2 in 1939). Complete mind fuck...
  15. I hope these angry people are a bit calmer knowing scotus is doing all their angry work for them. Lots of the evangelicals supported orange fruitcake because of this. And only this. So now that their wishes have come true, they might go for a somewhat less unhinged buffoon. Like florida beach guy. Of course, they still like a combative conservative eager to fight against liberalism. The unhinged bit though, i think they might pass on that one.
  16. So lets hope the jan 6th committee will continue doing what they’re currently doing. Not interested in having this unhinged buffoon anywhere near the white house again…
  17. Bandcamp digitals can be downloaded straight away. Haven't listened, but i havent seen talk about remaster or anything. So i assume it's unchanged. And the tracklist is also the same. Bought it anyways because the digitals i had, were old and i needed better versions ? (i had the cd album as well, but my computer dont eat cd's anymore so ripping is too much of a hassle) And i hate to say it guys, but artwork sschmartswork. Couldn't care less, really. I can understand the perspective of the artist, it's like your baby and all that good stuff. But personally, i only care about the sounds. Not interested in what your baby looks like. imsowwiebutnotreally
  18. So, basically Rachel from Blade Runner is going to save the USA!?
  19. Interesting. No idea this existed. Just posting some links to check out later, because I'm currently in public transport and want to hear it ? https://www.discogs.com/release/2055716-Deee-Lite-Dancefloor-Oddities-Sampladelic-Relics-Deee-Remixes
  20. hopefully also digitals on bandcamp *cross fingers*
  21. just gonna post this and see whether we can move on from the transformers ?
  22. His picture speaks volumes. Looks like it was a blast! A thrilling and exciting day!
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