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Everything posted by fumi

  1. Without this starting to feel like some bromance, I think you've pretty well summed it up nicely.
  2. No it's not. Because even though I've not liked (for instance) Exai as such as I like Chiastic Slide, I've still liked it enough to buy it. What I'm trying to say in my previous post is that their output has been consistently good, some better than others
  3. Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I've never liked everything that AE have put out (even though I've still bought it all), but it never feels phoned in - I always get the impression that what they release is the best they could create at any given time. For me, SIGN was okay but nothing exceptional. Every artist/band has a career of peaks, troughs and everything in between. I dunno so much with OPN. 'Age Of' and 'GOD' felt like an artist throwing everything at the wall to see what would stick. I also feel that (even now) he's yet to find what he's really looking for. Lots of his stuff has long sections of meh vibes and then for ten or fifteen seconds he throws in some tiny shining gem that's gone before you even had chance to appreciate it. I don't claim to know if that's deliberate or that maybe he's just not as super talented as some might claim. I guess it's all subjective in the end.
  4. Totally agree. Lots of WATMM just mirrors the web in general. It's all just endless echo chambers. Case in point, the Autechre SIGN thread. There's just no objectivity whatsoever. Autechre have been around since what, 1990, 1991? (probably even earlier) and it stands to reason that during that time many, many other acts would have released stuff that's similar (or even better) but people in the SIGN thread will deny that's even possible. In their minds, there can be only one. I'm not signalling out AE in isolation, think about that Twoism forum. Crazy. There are just too many fanboys everywhere you look.
  5. I've also thought this about his music, especially R+7 onwards. As you said, 'Long Road Home' is the perfect example of this. There are truly sublime moments of utter beauty on these albums but sometimes they're so fleeting it's as if you never even heard them. Reminds me of this. Boards of Canada, XLR8R Review, 2001.
  6. You're about to type another reply aren't you? Let's just leave it at that. Differing opinions etc,
  7. okay, we'll leave it at that unless of course you ever decide to type another reply by rapidly typing 'h' and 'a' in succession, over and over again.. That's probably what annoyed me. Also keep in mind, I wouldn't bother wasting my time in a thread for an artist I didn't admire and enjoy. I appreciate that you're really into his work but it's not beyond criticism - the vocals (IMO) mostly ruin the music and as you've seen in this thread, I'm not the only one with that opinion. Also, I really mean it about the hahahaha thing. Seriously uncool.
  8. I didn't see anyone chime in and say otherwise (until now). Maybe we should ask for your expert opinion on it. Always keeping in mind that it's just an opinion.
  9. Most people were completely off their faces during the early 90s. Some have never recovered.
  10. Thanks so much (again). As you say, there's a lot of information but much of it conflicting.
  11. Video is mediocre. I still don't understand how this track fits in with the description of the album posted a pages back. I'm hoping it will be a lot weirder. Also, as someone mentioned, OPN should stop with the auto-tune, trap style vocals. They absolutely suck. It's not the first time they've ruined a perfectly fine track. This was (by far) my main problem with Garden of Delete.
  12. @purlieu Sorry to bump this again. Do you know who this is at approx 22mins in? This broadcast was so wonderful. Just classic early 90s techno.
  13. Picked this up this week. New band for me, although they were active back in the last decade and broke up in 2008. This music is emotionally crushing - maybe not the sound you want to hear in current times. Still amazing. Boomkat describe it best. https://boomkat.com/products/going-places-390db797-a1cb-433d-ac4a-63aeb8652548
  14. Gave this two more complete listens today. I think I'm done with it. I'll probably listen again from time to time but this album just didn't have enough going on to demand attention. That's kind of strange because lots of the music I like is sort of drone/ambient in quality. It's got some nice sounds, textures etc. I'm glad they're still putting out stuff and maybe their next one will different again. But this album was a miss for me. It comes across as sort of like Oversteps but without the memorable melodies. I can't really explain why I haven't warmed to it - it just doesn't do anything for me. Also, there are so many artists out there vying for attention that I'm just not that much of a hardcore AE fan that I just want to keep listening to it over and over (and over) again until I've convinced myself it's an amazing piece of work (which it isn't) IMO.
  15. I've also thought I had a pretty good, eclectic taste until I heard the Societas x Tape. Apart from Slave To The Rhythm, everything was new to me. I was well and truly humbled.
  16. After so many years in the business, I thought AE would have learnt how it's really done by now. You see, it's about how to get the vibe going......
  17. Anyone remember this that floated up among the fakes just before TH arrived? I used to know the artist responsible for this. I'm pretty sure he was Italian. He also wrote another track called 'Snowy Night' or something. I tried Shazam and other usual suspects.
  18. I've not enjoyed anything since Rooms, Vapor City & Vapor City Archives - those works were absolutely incredible. Also still enjoy this from years back.
  19. Had about three complete listens to this. It's good. Nice sounds and top notch production. However, none of the tracks really grab me. I'd have thought by now, the usual AE hooks would have found their way in. For me, it's the sort of album I could just put on in the background and effectively ignore if I chose to. It just doesn't have anything that demands attention. Maybe that was their idea with this one. A sort of AE Muzak. Disclaimer: Haven't bought or listened to anything since Exai (Ah, the aural goodness of 'Bladelores.')
  20. So are the digitals actually available from Bleep now? It just says pre-order on the site.
  21. @conjugacy100% agree with this. Jon Brooks decline (ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration) seems to have coincided with the (IMO) lack of quality in the Ghostbox output. Sometimes, he's put out amazing stuff - '52', The Advisory Circle, (except the last one which was not so good) and the amazing 'Walberswick'. Lately, I've even gone back to the 'King of Woolworths' stuff - although back when I bought that in 2001, It was because 'Bakerloo' had been used on a TV advert for 'Orange Mobile', a UK network carrier. I'd been listening to Advisory Circle for years before I made the connection with King of Woolworths.
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