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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by exitonly

  1. saw this over on reddit, figured i'd repro here
  2. looks like you reserved a fine piece of watmm real estate
  3. yah but i spent most of season 2 and all that i saw of season 3 yelling at the show as it happened. it was so dumb. like these astronauts all hiring their immediate friends and family to be astronauts and then all competing with each other and then they are out of resources on mars but then someone shows up with vodka and then it’s a big party and then astronauts are getting into fist fights on mars. and then that first gentleman guy and his stupid bald cap that makes him look like a klingon. omg what a dumb show
  4. i watched it all the way through. it had a lot of issues but kind of passively enjoyed it or decided not to care enough to be mad about it. some people complained that it was like an x-files episode and if you approach that way it was ok. lots of plot holes and nonsense for sure. not really putting it with the TD cannon in my head
  5. this show is terrible. i bailed half way through season 3
  6. my immediate reaction to that trailer was that they showed way too much of the game as it is. spoiler alert fer sure
  7. digging the little vocal snippets in there. audible but not overdoing it
  8. i’ll go one step further and say that @trying to be less rude is joe biden’s burner account
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/feb/10/orbitals-paul-and-phil-hartnoll-look-back
  10. R Plus 7. His music is definitely an acquired taste. I never considered myself a fan but then somehow have 3 of his albums on vinyl and listen to them regularly
  11. the curse was great. it was like a social anxiety panic attack for an hour at a time.
  12. seems like slim chance you will find someone who bought the binder but also had the foresight to not store the records in the binder (which damages the records). I'd imagine all of that would be worth quite a lot. Probably better off getting the individual records then find someone with the binder
  13. i got added to the beta last week. been mucking with the midi transforms and max’s new array features. pretty dope
  14. i don’t like her either, would not vote for her but at the same time i’m not worried that she would try to overturn an election or fill cabinet positions with unqualified nutjobs.
  15. yeah this election is going to be rough. I'm really really torn here because 1) i dont want trump to win and think we should do everything we can to stop it 2) in the same way i cant accept that some republicans are ignoring their own morals and voting for trump because he's in their party, i feel like supporting genocide is a moral line that I can't cross regardless of the circumstances. This is further complicated by the fact that both major parties officially support Israel unconditionally. I've never not voted for a presidential election since I was eligible but strongly considering it this time around . I just really wish nikki haley would get the nom so should could just go win and do all the republican tax cut things for 4 years and we could call it a draw
  16. i was talking about the arc of a specific character in season five. season 4 sucked yeh. had potential but nope
  17. Also, posted this on mastodon if anyone wants to repost https://ravenation.club/@exitonly/111795500232743377
  18. I uploaded a video of an oscilloscope visualization of this:
  19. finished The Curse. Was great, never seen anything like that. felt uncomfortable in a way that was just like an amplified version of the way i normally feel. definitely got that safdie heightened reality thing that made uncut gems stand out
  20. honestly i was a bit more worried when i wasnt hearing about him as much. i figured it was just his brainwashing going straight to the loonies via social media. there is some small part of me that hopes some media saturation of trump being completely nuts and making this election about himself would be enough to turn people off of it before the primary but ..... probably not.
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