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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by manmower

  1. @Boxusis there any other way to pronounce it?
  2. Yeah, the lyrics are fantastically nutty, and tie in with "Tenax" being a particularly strong brand of hair gel in the 80s. A true italo classic. And given an edit by none other than Legowelt a few years ago.
  3. Big props for playing Diana Est - Tenax in that mix. I haven't listened to much 1991 beyond the self-titled, I should try and change that sometime.
  4. Exactly, I think Bandcamp Friday can be a little bit misleading like that. That's not to say labels don't deserve support of course. ?
  5. Yeah, to clarify, the FWP's not in the minor inconvenience but in the uncertainty about how much of your money is actually going to the artist.
  6. Bandcamp Friday + buying a bunch of stuff from one artist's discography = Oh hi we'll do the payment in three steps because you're buying from three different entities none of which are the artist themselves.
  7. Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Obituary: Philip Josef Glowa 1993 - 2021
  8. Spent the first hour or so after reading this in disbelief... but I can't imagine this would have been his idea of a prank. R.I.P.
  9. Glad about: the internet is completely awesome, the list of things it has democratized is endless. It's given a voice to a lot of people you'd have never ever heard from even 25 years ago, so I feel like it must have accelerated a lot of societal change. And I wish I'd had Wikipedia, YouTube, peer-to-peer networking,..., everything on demand in my childhood, this was the stuff of dreams back then. I'll take the internet over flying cars and self-lacing Nikes any day. Imagine sitting around waiting for a song to come on the radio so you could tape it to listen to (or at least the 2 minutes of it they'd have played, lol) at your convenience. So much of the world seemed almost mythical back then. Like you would hear or read about stuff and never get to experience it, because you were completely dependent on what was on radio and tv or in (reasonably) local stores and libraries. Or worse, never hear or read about it in the first place, because it never made it into your small world, and you weren't the outgoing and adventurous type who made an interesting new friend every other day. Last year I started playing guitar again after a 15 year break and it made me properly realize how much of a struggle learning was back then compared to now. For every lame-ass influencer or glorified gear demo channel there is another providing genuine help and insight. It's a far cry from sitting in my bedroom trying to decipher photocopied Hal Leonard books. Miss: Journalism has really gone downhill. Bias has always existed, but news used to be delivered in a much more matter-of-fact, impartial way here. News anchors didn't make the appropriate faces to show you how to feel back then, lol. Watch an old news bulletin from the 90s and compared to today's news it feels like a well-researched, verified in-depth documentary narrated by a speech synth. These days it's a 24 hour cycle of emotions, opinions and sound bites that does more bad than good. It is spectacularly shit and seems unsustainable, really.
  10. Me neither, wish it would stop so we can have memes about other things again.
  11. Fuck I hope Angela Lansbury is okay.
  12. read the rules brain wants enema
  13. 8:13 in case the time code doesn't work.
  14. The doorway effect, but with internet browsers.
  15. Tanya Roberts Larry King Angela Lansbury
  16. If I'm happy then why are all those literal death wish memes so fucking funny to me?
  17. I knew I'd heard Parallel 2 before. Also boy, was I ever a dick back in January. https://00000ooooo.bandcamp.com/track/--6
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