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Everything posted by prdctvsm

  1. Take a tour through the James Webb Space Telescope images ?
  2. Robert Knupp is a Professor in the Department of Music. Professor Knupp joined MC’s faculty in 2000 and currently teaches Music Theory III and IV, Applied Organ, Applied Piano, and Popular Music and Society. His areas of expertise include the pipe organ and music theory. Professor Knupp has played organ recitals in 29 states, been heard on the nationally broadcast "Pipedreams" program, and has played in places such as the Washington National Cathedral and St Thomas Church in Leipzig, Germany. Dr Knupp is also the organist at Galloway United Methodist in Jackson.
  3. ? c3RlaW52b3Jk · 19h ago Dear sir, I have carefully reviewed the thesis and arguments presented in your post "Steinvord: Further Down The Rabbit Hole", and would like to bring to your attention additional facts which has been kept from the public eye so far. Through academic contacts, and many late nights of sordid debauchery with various colleagues and associates, I have been granted the opportunity to receive briefing on a secretive research project which took place a few years ago (2007-2014) in continental Europe, known as "Steinvord A". I shall withhold the name of the facilities in which this research took place, for reasons which will become clear in a moment. Steinvord was initially an experiment of the musical quantum realm, rather than direct one-to-one communication (creation/reception). The primary mission of the team assigned to this experiment was to develop concepts of musicology under a wide variety of mathematical conditions. The experiment used both the theory and evidence from the following three main areas to determine what the quantum phenomena should be: (1) information theory, (2) experimental methods, and (3) modeling (these include the theoretical formulation of a classical theory of musical dynamics, the development of sound theory, and an increasing emphasis on the applications of computer science). 2. After a practical methodology was established by the lead researchers, the gist of the experiment consisted in a series of overlapping, linear mathematical steps which made it possible for the subjects (in the case of the clinical trial phase of this experiment, one donkey and one rather docile cat) to measure and confirm a musical quantum phenomena, for example, when one would expect to obtain a result by comparing two different musical processes (thus, "Steinvord A" and "Steinvord B"). 2. The experiment was not designed to determine what the end result should sound like, or even where the information associated with the resulting output was to come from. The question it was designed to ask was not "how do we measure the musical quantum phenomena?". Rather, it was (1), how do you expect such information to be measured? And (2), will it reveal the results if the information to come from it is correct? While most people expect that such results depend on some "correctness", one must find some basis for that assumption, or shall be left with a false impression of the result. In other words, the 'correctness' is the probability that the experiment has correctly assessed the quantum phenomena; if the experiment is wrong, you might be right about the quantum phenomena, but if the experiment is right, it will never fully assess the quantum phenomena. As I'm sure you can understand at this point, the implications of such findings are manifold and of great consequences. I leave it to you to assess how such paradigmatic shifts may affect your own research into these matters. Yours very truly, Prof. Robert B. Knupp, Finland
  4. prdctvsm

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    Secret of the Golden Flower.pdf ? wiki
  5. ? 現実に戻る ? t r a c k l i s t i n g :
  6. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, & man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, & his relations with his kind. The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe.
  7. ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος. ?
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