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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. I honestly feel sorry for you if that is what you have to contend with. But maybe you should think about fucking off those places you frequent and go somewhere else that has good fucking music, with women who are cool and like good music it too? Don't rely on bogstandard pop music to lift you out of that rut man - I mean that in the nicest possible way though dude! yeah well when you don't live in europe or a big american city that has smaller venues playing more niche dance music you have to kind of check your ego and musical tastes at the door if you want to have a good time with friends. I love the my music taste is superior bedroom soapbox stuff as much as the next watmmer but partying with my friends is also important to a healthy social life so
  2. Honestly I feel like this album will be a godsend. I don't know how much you all have in contact with the 20-something mainstream american dance/party scene, but my god I can't tell you how pathetic it is. Going out to bars and house parties in a college town makes me so depressed listening to the utter utter shite that is played night in and night out. At this point most people know Daft Punk, and if making Pharrell sing a track or two means we can have repackaged disco instead of fucking taylor swift dubstep or beauty and a beat or anything else then I'll be pleased as punch. And so yeah it's fine for us disco heads and neckbeard douches to complain that it's derivative and not good and blah blah blah, but jesus christ if I can dance to that at a generic big club on a saturday night filled with hot drunk women then they get my vote!! here's hoping edit: has this leaked yet?
  3. if the rest of this album is as catchy as that last bit I will have NO PROBLEM with this.
  4. i have low expectations of the collab with julian wankablancas... yikes. All of them really. One more Time works because it's not FEAT. ROMANTHONY!! just make funky catchy throwback disco with punched up kicks and syncopated vocoders. do it. and do it well. THATS ALL WE ASK. We don't need daft punk in hollywood who's who list.
  5. if i was nile rogers i'd be so happy some young french dorks with money were like "dude you're the fucking shit make disco with us"
  6. Hahaha I much more enjoy the vocoder to pharrell being dumb and uninspiring. I absolutely loathe headline collaborations where the only interesting about the music are the big names. Much rather have them release the album and then drop the list of names. But that's not how to market a hit.
  7. wait really? nooo, I thought he lived in florida and had dark black hair? i smell troll
  8. huh?? holy shit empty is my favorite one, and the jamie lidell one is great and better than every jamie lidell song
  9. Helluva deal. Poor chap. It's like those Planet Hiltron shops of celebs as normal people without the shop
  10. this is an interesting event. I feel like this is the first time a release has consciously used 90s internet aesthetic as "nostalgia" it will be anodyne within a year
  11. JOEY BARTON'S TWITTER "Have to take back what I said about Thiago Silva being over rated today. Been immense tonight. Still looks like a overweight ladyboy though!" lol sad the media got up in arms about that tweet as it's 100% accurate. All of it.
  12. just picked up fragments from a bargain bin. got a huge in-store boner. thus jacked zarathustra is killing me atm. damn guys
  13. uwe always does some seriously bad and honest covers on this albums. at least on cmyk. they're seriously bad. lol @ people labeling my generation as "that blues track" did you guys ever listen to rock music?
  14. yeah i won't even start on the BOOM BOOM BOOM on the end of i love u...
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