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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. girls season 2 is living up to expectations at being incredible, lifelike, shocking and... shoshanna - who I have the largest and most uncontrollable crush on.
  2. yes riven is a work of high art. like.... it's fucking unbelievable.
  3. lol i think i repressed the fact that I watched this. holy shit it was bad edit: about detachment
  5. heyyy come on it was *slightly* better than that. It wasn't really about race at all. It was refreshingly post-racial for me... film didn't make attempts at differentiating a quality of life for blacks or whites. at least in contrast to patronizing generic garbage like "precious," this was manageable. How was this film about race to you? I think the failing of this film was the meandering last half... wtf was that bullshit in the hospital? I guess the white doctors v black hospital patients maybe? But what a way to totally destroy this charming miyazaki-esque fantasy world you've spent a lot of screen time developing. Bit of a shame this film exploded in the way it did, not worth all this attention, but still a completely respectable and impressive first feature, no? I was definitely pissed off during parts, but come on folks...
  6. yeah i still think they will. if not.... then harry deserves a place in history
  7. maybe i just love boggy so much because he eats all that shit and still stays rail thin. Maybe I'm just jealous. I also love how he's polish, grew up in rural canada and nebraska, lived in Japan, and was a mod for a korean online game. and signed to rephlex. like wat. he just doesn't give a fuck ibiza anthems 4ever
  8. i love bogdan. like as a persona more than his music (which i also love) he's so free of shitty identity anxiety like afx and esp BOC. He just has fun and eats food and probably treats life as a gift. I respect him for it.
  9. srry bit of a lol there Discovery is fucking great apart for harder, better.... jesus i hate that song pre and post kanye.
  10. my 2 cents on JR and ae. that's objectively impossible, their back catalog is just too strong. I'm busting you both for wanton hyperbole. Well, played, Sir. No, seriously. This takes a huge, massive dump on Oversteps and especially Quatis-whateverthefuckitscalled. Best AE since Amber and LP5. AE fans will be deliriously happy with how dense and well-crafted these tracks are. And this is, without a doubt, the first AE album (I think) sounds just as good through a pair of headphones as it does on a good hi-fi system with decent speakers. This is very exaiting. I definitely respect Oversteps. I understood it. It was incredible. But I didn't really "like" it. Quaristice was really shitty actually. I don't have a leak. this was actually a nice surprise that arrived in my inbox the other day. Yes, that's right - after EP7 and then Cornhole, I really lost the AE faith in the direction they were taking their sound. Daft Derp-30 and Quarter-sized didn't give me much hope of AE ever returning to their old sound, and then Oversteps and Move of Ten renewed my AE faith. I consider AE akin to a foreign cuisine; sometimes hard to swallow and unapproachable, but every now and then you try something that knocks your socks off and you can't get enough of it. Don't get me wrong; I greatly respect them for doing their own thing, but if I don't like it, I simply don't like it. Nothing wrong with that. However, I am very, very pleased with Exai and cannot wait to purchase the digital versions when they are released, despite having access to them already. I try and support the artists as much as I can. but what about untelturd???? so yeah i actually have nothing to say i just realized. carry on. I'll just go crank it in the corner. bye
  11. I still like Discovery a lot more. Their first album is like a great house 12" compilation imo, I rather listen to their singles and their solo releases than Homework. Human After All was such a fucking letdown - I listened to the remixes of that album probably 10x more than the LP itself. They really rebounded after that with their live shows and the Tron soundtrack. Their first two albums influenced and inspired SO much retro-sounding, pristine, and apologetically fun house and dance music - think about 2005-2007 or so - DFA, Ed Banger, Kitsune - just about any hyped club music in the mid-00s and arguably even EDM now. Daft Punk shaped so much of that, especially once big beat lost appeal so quickly. I dearly hope they make something closer to the Tron OST and don't just re-hash their trademark sound. Fingers crossed. i can agree with pretty much all of this. This music is fun and silly but they're good enough producers to pull it off effortlessly. Didn't listen to TRON OST because it all sounded too much like human after all. (which i still think has 2-3 ok to good tracks.)
  12. Musique is such a great track. Pretty much the only one I return to these days. That and Rollin' and Scratchin'. It's that kind of ascetic pursuit of electronic ideals that it reaches high art.
  13. And then David Duchovny kissed Julian Moore and Ethan Suplee saves the day. lol
  14. holy shit i hope this is so far from the case. unless you are trolling
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