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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. damn dude i dont think you need that sign, message coming through loud and clear
  2. guys its just a rubin post move along
  3. why? its really good, the combat system was excellent and really fun. plus tifa is the original cyberpunk waifu and she has huge tits in this. whats not to love
  4. i finished FF7 Remake. in retrospect the second half of the game is less good than the first but thats ok because the first half is essentially perfect. This is true in the original game as well. the ending is "meta" in a somewhat annoying way but also funny in that the hopes of fanboys are represented in the game by these evil dementor looking things, at least that's how I read it.
  5. we just need a balkanization of our stupid country. basically just along the time zones. we're too big and we're about 4 or 5 different countries anyway, culturally, economically, geographically. we already have a completely ineffectual federal government and we're seeing various neighboring states band together in this crisis. would not be that surprised if something like this happens in the next 50 years. a man can dream
  6. yeah i actually want a US civil war
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is fucking amazing. hes the best when he does shit like this
  8. where the f can i listen to this. it sounds like a followup to pop hd which was one of the best albums of the last 10 years. i hope it's a worthy follow up
  9. perfect for my DJ Nate 12"s pressed straight to vinyl from youtube mp3 rips
  10. ok so let's go with that LP1 Signature tube phono preamplifier for the records... that runs you $42,990 paired with the LL1 Preamp, which are 4 boxes for two channels... that adds on another $51,990 then you still need those ML3 tube amplifiers those four run you $144,690... so JUST for your amplification... not including any speakers, cables, turntable and stylus... you're ponying up $239,670... hell yea
  11. i love when a *PRE*amp costs upwards of $20k
  12. very sad. one of the best character actors around. he was in that new movie driveways that looks kind of ok
  13. got my trumpbucks today! i'm rich!
  14. listening to all the old eps and wonder why this fell so flat. bummer
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