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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. Tuchel doesn’t look like a manager, just a weedy fan
  2. very influential in pop music, first to really perfect stage shows with choreography and costumes into something beyond its parts. great producers, great songs, phenomenal set on her in her prime. https://twitter.com/Madonna/status/786105573364359168?s=20
  3. paris city final. city might actually win
  4. noooooooooo. Was lucky enough to have a drink with him once. very weird conservative guy but an awesome actor. diabeetus
  5. seeing some amazing takes on twitter. a. that he got the virus from the tulsa rally, which is just a twitter lib feverdream b. that he died "because the virus affects black and brown people disproportionately." this is true in so much as those groups tend to be poorer, have less access to quality healthcare, and have more preexisting co-morbidities because to the former two issues. Herman Cain, while black, was a successful businessman worth several millions who definitely had access to healthcare, him being black is immaterial in this case. why are people saying this??
  6. there's no evidence he got corona virus from the tulsa rally is there?
  7. s'alright. definitely like actress when it's not MEGA overhyped
  8. dude being retarded is part of being american. either you can suppress it or just let it ride
  9. yay!!!! Benghazi will go away now
  10. zephyr nova I think. But yeah name change was definitely a level up in long winded gasbaggery
  11. good to know. I would never waste my time watching b or c movies just because a british 7/10 was in them, but now I'll definitely skip. thanks
  12. considering sasu has made some of the greatest electronic music ever, which would put him high in the running for greatest music worldwide.. this album is 100% not worth it and skippable. I'm better of listening to Multila again than this.
  13. fat lizard is like the only good craft brewery i've ever had outside of the US. i was shocked at how good their ipas were. and i love their can tops.
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