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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. too silly for me although the sounds are really great. tracks are also too short and way too fast but hes a bass player so i understand the speed issue. it's a fair amount of fun but the amount of hype around him makes you think a lot of media people never listened to any late 70s/80s funk/soul? so weird to me.
  2. hey man id be really curious as to why you watch all these soft core movies.. aka whats the appeal, why spend hours upon hours watching supbar filmmaking just to see titties when i look up boob get 2 trillion result
  3. the simping for tifa is simply uncontrollable here in south brooklyn. i can't even be fully torqued because ive reverted to that pre-horny confused 8 yr old when i played the original 20 years ago. i dont understand the feelings i just want to do anything she says
  4. love that officials here are toying with "opening back up" when we are exceptional in our number of cases and deaths despite china having 1 BILLION more people than us
  5. Failed state plain and simple
  6. all because of that one top button
  7. damn that sucks well you win some you lose some. i dont think boggy has a bad release so maybe here's the first
  8. FF7 remake out tonight. im read to jack off to tifa
  9. you're right. that was callous and harsh of me. I don't wish that. I take it back. I was feeling sad about bernie and I lashed out and said something i shouldn't. mea culpa.
  10. damn i can't wait for "the bernie bros will cause biden to lose" story for the next 7 months. i would love covid to attack biden
  11. yeah jojo rabbit looked like wes anderson *without* the talent to center every shot. garbage.
  12. I'd literally never heard of john prine until yesterday and suddenly everyone on social media is the biggest fan ever and is "shocked" and "dismayed" at his passing and talking about how he was "one of the most creative people... ever" ??? I'm listening now and it's nice but this kind of collective social media obit crap is annoying, esp for millenials who act like they have some deep boomer connection to this stuff. like when etta james died
  13. it has nothing to do with an aversion to "pop music." I wouldnt think of this as pop music, certainly not in its structure. it's a guy who recreated a few 70s/80s soul loops and sang flatly over them I listen to pop music much much more than IDM lol.
  14. i feel like im taking crazy pills reading posts on here that like it
  15. im honestly shocked people are still figuring out that westworld is retarded
  16. either that or he'll actually die and there will be a huge outpouring of support for the worst tory policies and "do it for bojo" garbage. lose lose
  17. literally watched goldfinger last night wow
  18. air pollution? i know that when i walk around new york for like 2 hours my throat feels scratchy and then overnight it goes away...
  19. can you save those for a different thread
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