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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. no he sucks these days. a poster boy for coastal bourgeois chauvinism. bad news. rally to restore sanity was the beginning of the end.
  2. rubin realllllly interested in a new holy crusade
  3. this is really fucking exciting
  4. don't knock it till you tried it
  5. i think he's making a joke about MSNBC being very dem aka the DNC. 4 dimensional chess
  6. if you haven't had pizza in new haven you cannot be a part of "what is the best pizza" discussion. end of.
  7. this is 100% accurate. new haven has the best pizza in the world and there is absolutely no discussion to be had. It's just the objective truth. Pepe's, Sally's, Modern, BAR, Da Legna... the list goes on
  8. that pizza looks like trash lmao
  9. biden doing well (either winning or second) in SC is ok with me. we need warren to drop out.
  10. sounds like opaque couche outtakes with a bunch of live orb references
  11. yeah they should spend that money on making a video conference system that actually works
  12. debate was a W for Sanders. He's probably gonna win SC, but it might be closer than Nevada.
  13. wow good question. this one passed me by. UNTIL NOW. thnx
  14. what's that... like 200 million people? nice.
  15. i wonder if they'll cancel the olympics and possibly even the Euros if it doesn't chill out. whose fucking brilliant idea was it to have the euros all over the fuckin continent again?
  16. still not that worried. as godel said, a virus that kills you is a virus that can't spread...
  17. that article is 2 years old. looks like that thing is dead
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