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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. but then... CHINA HAPPENED
  2. *seeing someone with terminal flu* god i wish that were me
  3. 3+ year bump on this but I completely agree about the bonus tracks. They are almost better than the album. At the very least they make this reissue worth it. I could listen to When I leave finely tuned version for hours. Geir has major skills in all departments.
  4. he was good until scarface and then somehow he couldnt STOP YELLIINNNNGGGGG
  5. there is a large group of Sanders supporters who consistently say something to the effect of "I'm supporting Bernie because the costs of my health coverage and the byzantine healthcare system in this country are making me seriously consider suicide to save my loved ones from financial burden. I see Sanders as an attempt at changing that." there is a large group of Warren supporters who consistently say something to effect of "slay queen-- she's living her TRUTH!! warren is such a Ravenclaw!! I love her plans!! She's so smart, she's a professor at Harvard you know!!" Former group are typically financially and educationally disenfranchised working class rust belt americans. Latter group are typically upper middle class to rich white people who live in coastal cities, who have always had fairly robust health insurance from their media jobs, and therefore have the luxury of picking a candidate that fulfills a personality checklist and has the best typing for their class interests. Presidential pokemon collecting. I personally don't find Sanders that charismatic or "likeable" or great with all the invented spin of "electability" based on a candidate's personality and perceived wokeness. I do however see him as a candidate that isn't concerned with that horseshit and instead is running a grassroots campaign that is funded by small donations from people all over the country. Far more exciting, convincing, and necessary. And by the way.. it seems to be working pretty well!
  6. mutant standard is the best track from both albums but the rest... whatever i've cooled on the post r+7 work considerably, especially after going through the early stuff.
  7. bernie has large independent voter base support. warren has none of that. that alone is worth it.
  8. i think it's actually better than gardens of delete. but they both kinda suck
  9. yeah it was good, some people just don't understand a movie about dudes rocking
  10. the rock's dad is not a celebrity.
  11. not much because the MO of the modern republican party is 100% complete obduracy. We need a senate and house super-majority. not gonna happen. luckily, in the last 20 years, the power of the presidency has increased, especially under Obama so we'll see. Hopefully if Sanders wins, RBG and Breyer will retire and he can push through two EXTREME leftist justices. that would go a long way to minimizing the disasters of kavanaugh and gorsuch (who politically is far worse than Kav)
  12. Sanders has the largest group of supporters that would not vote for any other candidate. Therefore, in the interest of beating Trump, the Warren, Gabbard and Yang supporters need to back Bernie. It's just that simple.
  13. hey does anyone with a non-english version of the new pokemon want to trade with me pm to chat
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