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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. those videos are so silly - a stupid video of them, completely unplugged, pretending to sing and play while the fully produced track just plays over them
  2. warp's pressing plant these days suck. all the presses sound like garbage
  3. yea unfortunately the first episode was so much better than all the others. having finished it I felt like they could have done a much better job given the budget. It was classic star wars tho - production design good, writing... terrible.
  4. i always hated those pixies covers lol nevertheless, rest in peace vaughan oliver. also neil innes. brave sir robin ran away
  5. i would not be surprised if Iger shitcans KK when this one leaves theaters
  6. agreed. classic JJ really, all the way back to LOST. you watch it and your engaged and having a good time. then about four hours later you’re like ... actually fuck that dumb smoke monster
  7. it’s deffo in my top 3 autechre albums and certainly in my top 10 for best of the decade
  8. bingo. general rule for big tentpole movies like this is don't list to the fanboys or the critics because they are always wrong. so im guessing rubin farr won't like this. let's recall that rubin farr didn't like force awakens because there weren't *enough* white people in it. ok i guess i have to spoiler this. saw it last night had a lot of fun.
  9. anyone find the "rap verse" in affected AAVE intonations on "Foul Mouth" to be really cringey bordering on problematic? All the vocalists on that track are some redneck white bread chickenshit motherfuckers
  10. other stanky skyline is a sample from vaihtovirta by pan sonic. i love how obvious his samples are. it becomes "props" more than theft. and cool you peel is ... just an flutter remix anyway i will reiterate that psychotic_window is better than happy earthday. luckily i have the box with both so i'm thinking of it as one excellent double album.
  11. i enjoyed the 6th episode with the jail heist. a little bit. w/e. the concept and production design is good. script writing and direction are subpar. is everyone aware that episode 9 comes out next week. not sure anyone actually gives a shit anymore. i don't really but I did just watch the force awakens and last jedi back to back to remind myself what im in for. i thought last jedi was absolute shit when i saw it 2 years ago, but this go round i ignored the retarded stuff and ended up enjoying moments. sporadically engaging with kylo ren and rey. movie should have just ended after they killed snoke and ren has his outstretched hand saying join me. could have been an exciting cliffhanger. instead no one cares what happens because they ended up where they started except luke is dead and leia is dead.. for real. poor rian johnson. in way over his head.
  12. there's only one real ghostbusters 3 and he banned himself from this site
  13. being a shitty rapper is hard!
  14. oh another zoomer rapper died? ok
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