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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. if you’re a western capitalism chauvinist, then sure
  2. even now as there there is more TV than ever, sopranos is cementing itself as the GOAT
  3. they should have released the coronavirus in HK then
  4. verna yu is a hong kong national neolib shill and obviously has ulterior political motives against PRC. come on dude
  5. yeah uhhh... a cruise ship just docked here in bayonne with some chinese people that are being screened. damn it. fuck jersey!
  6. i bet i could get out of work for a while if i caught coronavirus
  7. hi im gay actor michael douglas and my dad is dead
  8. probs the cheapest way to get huone on wax. god-tier piece of music that one. an all-timer. hope bleep will put it up... royal mail becomes USPS and USPS doesn't know how to function in brooklyn. (@_@) motherfuck i just put huone on for the first time in ages. *this* bitch really does love sasu. monumental track.
  9. yeah.. label seems kinda annoying but i will of course listen to anything boggy does, old or new. i'll really perk my ears up when he says "ok here is my new album"
  10. so... it's rigged... how does a phone app take 5 hours to report a few numbers.... absolute disaster
  11. ok ok my comment was "mean" -- i too have enjoyed this record over the years but i agree that a large part of its appeal is the nostalgia factor. I'm at 50%
  12. damn. screw the haters. underworld are still good, but as is expected for a group of their caliber, a shadow of their former selves. That's what happens when you grow old. Nothing will touch second toughest, but dubnobass -> two worlds off is a helluva run. Top quality music on all fronts. Enjoyed drift but it's not perfect
  13. if this truly won't have a CD then I won't buy it and will just stream the digis. Sorry sasu et all. thats just how it works
  14. doesn't seem like there will be a CD tho... ?
  15. So if the mortality rate is low and would only affect the infirm and elderly... are you saying we could eliminate boomers and OAPs in a few months????
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