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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. People need to stop thinking Donald Glover is *just* a comedian and start appreciating his true genius. Very Underrated. if this is an irony post then cool, if not, then i agree with the opposite of what you said. his music sucks, his acting sucks, his agent also sucks at getting him good roles. only thing he's done that was good was atlanta (he wasn't the best part) and derrick comedy.
  2. bunch of mimes in front pretending to put out the fire
  3. in 1973......... I walked bob Dylan up on stage. Who the fuck are you
  4. best one was the short guy yelling at the trumpet player in that vid. silence serves as the foundation of creativity
  5. i fucking hated them with a brutal passion and then i watched them all in order and i was amazingly impressed with their consistency. the first 10 suck apart from the iron man ones but then they start to get pretty fun once they ditch joss whedon. i dunno, i've become an apologist but i don't feel that shameful about it. the spiderman homecoming one was simply delightful and the spiderman movie we've been owed for a long time.
  6. hey guys what if i did the impossible and made a playlist of the best colundi tracks. what about that. just imagine it. seems too good to be true. a herculean task
  7. They are completely unwatchable if you haven’t seen the others
  8. which aleksi track was that? https://aleksiperala.bandcamp.com/track/uk74r1721031-2
  9. uhh hang on lemme check *starts at colundi level 1* edit: but actually probably something from level 17 maybe....
  10. great show. had a great time dancing next to jules. obviously the best part was when he played aleksi and had all the syro pics of new yorkers. someone please post that. so many good moments. but.... nothing will beat houston.
  11. dr lopez

    Brexit :(

    lmao at the rebuild the merchant navy.
  12. Ooooh... It explains why you're sooooo crazy about Harmony In Ultraviolet in the Ravedeath thread! flol edit: rip remy marathe. got banned posting one pic...
  13. 1. Samurai Math Beats 2. boku mo wakaran 3. alright! 4. rave till you cry 5. don the plates 6. thinking of you 7. myloveilove
  14. i have the CD and it's 1 CD. excellent stuff. bogdan is a very original artist.
  15. i watched it again this year (second time) and also thought it aged horribly. liked it when i was younger, but this time i came away thinking its actually trash. of course it has moments of impressive world-building.. but the writing and story are insufferably bad, worse than b-action-movie. for a movie supposedly about the last woman who can bear children, literally all of the women in the movie are flat token characters. the only character they even try to develop is mr hero man. and incidentally the only way they know how to move the plot forward are shocking-action-moments that happen to him. you could cut out all the dialogue except his one-liner keanu-esque realizations.. and the way too long action sequences lmao children of men is not a fucking character study jesus christ. amazing how bad people are at reading films. i'm not some crazy children of men apologist or anything but ... didn't you pick up on what the film was about? i think it's trying at things that aren't character related... just a thought.
  16. the mean spirited part is accusing definitely not-rich electronic music artists of making music for money. as if that was a bad thing or something to look down upon.
  17. yeah this is mean-spirited and wrong. as if aphex/squarepusher/boc/ceephax are saying - musically - anything they haven't already said before.
  18. i hate when the type of autism idm makers have is the "hide all my stuff and never talk to anyone" autism rather than the obsessive "here is everything i've ever made cataloged chronologically" type. goon is clearly the former. along with monolith etc
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