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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. going through sopranos after doing it 10 years ago. why does anyone else even try. good tv drama begins and ends with sopranos. that's it.
  2. yeah this is gonna be great i already know
  3. wok with yan is Stephen yan. yan can cook is Martin yan. They’re both alive tho
  4. my mate just got hit by a drunk driver when he was on his bike and died last weekend. not a celeb but fuck it's fucking me up. sad shit. we are so fragile.
  5. yeah but obi wan found the clones by accident right? and the jedi who "put in the order" for the clones only did it as a defense force? or was he actually being controlled by palpatine to create a force so that years later they could fight the droids? would have been good to have a scene with palpatine where he realizes this clone force can be used to become emperor and that he doesn't need the droid army distraction anymore. or that he can use the clones as a smokescreen for his nefarious ways. like the plot sorta makes sense, but the direction and dialog is so fucking bad that it's just a mess. whole arc of the prequels should have been a character study of palpatine and how anakin and everyone was a plaything in his evil ways. certainly wraps up the originals in a nice bow too with the defeat of the ultimate baddie. a shame because mcdiarmid is probably the best actor in the whole thing
  6. yeah it's obvious but still it can be shown in a short scene. doesn't need to be fancy or anything. that's how film making works. dellow felegates okeyday?
  7. from what i can deduce (or invent) the trade federation is a sort of crime syndicate with a paramilitary force that sort of horns in on trade to get a slice of the action. like the mafia... or the yakuza (because they're asian) if they don't get what they want, they either attack you with their army of retarded robots or they "blockade" your planet. which i guess causes an extreme crisis in a few days. an entire planet. They have been easily bought off with promises of untold riches by this shadowy figure who goes by darth sidious. the "twist" is that darth sidious is actually a senator from naboo called palpatine, who is power hungry and apparently hates terence stamp. Palpatine's plan is to play two pawns off each other to advance himself politically. He uses the dumb trade federation to create a "crisis" on Naboo and then he uses the "young naive queen" to tell the senate that chancellor valorum has fucked up and caused this crisis and table a vote of no confidence. I guess Palpatine is 100% certain that he will get nominated to replace vallorum because his whole plan seems to hinge on that crucial step. in the film he says it quite casually that he's been "nominated" but he could be pretending to be chill about it idk. What makes no sense is makes things even more confusing is the stupid invasion and treaty business. there is no real motivation for any of that in the film or in the the plot structure. also nothing in the film makes any sense. it really is just classic show don't tell. Things we never see: what the trade federation is or does what kind of trade naboo needs before the blockade how the trade federation got bought by sidious what sidious actually wants what palpatine wants (seriously there is never a scene where he privately lusts after power) the "crisis" on naboo (padme just says people are dying) i could go on. it's all done totally wrong and stupid. it's all bantha poodoo. chesko sebulba. im a boy and my name is anakin. and nobody else has a t39 hyper drive i promise you that. are you an angel. they've gone up the ventilation shaft. now this is podracing.
  8. watched phantom menace on the plane yesterday. love it. extremely racist, even in the first 10 minutes. in the first act, the wise, measured white guy (qui-gon) publically insults a clumsy, skittish jive-talkin jamaican (jar jar), nervous and ill-prepared asians (nute gunray) and then a fat, bald, sleazy business man obsessed with money who has a huge nose (((watto))) shit is wild. times really have changed.
  9. sad that i didn't get a bonus disc last time round
  10. Yep. Gonna need that CDr. system was fucking great. Pumped!
  11. exactly. It’s hard to empathize when we have nothing to empathize with!!!! right now the story is he stole people’s money. it’s surely been spent by now
  12. lol i also remember tivo'ing wonder showzen in middle school. grew up a lot watching that show. chauncey humping a box of mother nature's private parts after her sex change operation was great when i was in 7th grade lmao
  13. i remember watching xavier on tv in high school lol. what a great show. a year later i learned that a friend of mine actually did the mocap for xavier. so fucking hilarious. last episode is amazing. "I'm having our incest baby!" as he's shitting out purple ice cream. good stuff.
  14. yes i pay too btw. not because i want "more privileges" or get anything beyond the paywall. I do it basically as a donation because i love watmm. for the love of the game and the music the downloads should be accessible to all members, not just paying members. It's not a problem to me to keep the already existing live sets in the DL section behind a paywall. A watmm archive that costs the yearly fee. but to new sets that come out -- that's open and for everyone.
  15. yes it's your site, so you need to cover the costs. it's your site, your hobby, and as such you have the responsibility to pay for it - I think that's why people find the "you, the user, has to pay to use this website" comment you keep repeating really disingenuous. It's your site when it's convenient for you, and it's everyone's site when you need contributions.
  16. fuck. now i have to listen to it again and get sad about everything else
  17. prequels should have been a tv series. im sure everyone has already said that
  18. death of stalin was kind of annoying. which makes me sad because i obviously love (most) Iannucci. (veep is super overrated) Like it was sorta funny, I guess - but there Beria is raping young women in prison. I understand the accuracy in that, but it doesn't need to be shown in a "farce" about a power struggle. I generally thought the casting was poor. Tambor was terrible - had no idea how to play it. jason isaacs and paul chahidi were the best. i dunno it kinda fell flat for me. there could be an equally funny comedy about post-watergate.
  19. UK74R1721307 on 17.4 is absolutely incredible. a standout from the whole series.
  20. such a dime back in the day
  21. thats because staten island sucks and is far less important than the bronx or brooklyn?? makes sense to me.
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