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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. have to say i find this stuff p embarrassing. akin to glenn danzig talking about werewolves and vampires. reallllllllllly cringey.
  2. lmao bump for this but also i tried to watch solo last night. doesn't start so bad but damn it plunges into stultification pretty quickly. not much to say that zaph and others haven't said but the music was terrible, and holy fuck that droid was unbearable. they even animated it to walk like like a big fat triggered sjw. big lols imagining a bunch of gamergate incels at ILM studying lindy's gate for inspiration.
  3. it’s a 5 at best. infinity war was a 7 because I had a great time.
  4. watched three episodes and didn’t really enjoy it. Maya’s acting was very broad (read: not that good) and while they took great pains to recreate the early 2000s in situations and feel, the writing and dialog feel very current which kind of ruins the mood and feel for me. might stick with it but I’m not that hopeful.
  5. it is fucking wild how four lions has come true. idiot brits and americans joining isis and then fucking up royally
  6. Keidis should have died 25 years ago
  7. my buddy is the biggest tool fan and he just signed up to walk the PCT from may to august. lmao his brain is collapsing.
  8. the queen should probably die soon. Or at least prince Phillip
  9. I want to murder Ryan schreiber and shut down pitchfork
  10. wait now luke perry is dead???? damn the 90s are under assault.
  11. https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/the-prodigy-the-fat-of-the-land/ pretty sure this has something to do with it. please yell at jesse dorris on twitter. I can't because he blocked me. for yelling at him all the time.
  12. wtf https://twitter.com/residentadvisor/status/1102533751576412160?s=21
  13. couldn't watch it. horrible tone all over the place in classic jimmy cameron style. then the fucking kid shows up. just the wrong choice after alien which is a flawless thriller with scifi paint. big goofy action movie is perfect in terminator 1 and 2 but in aliens is just seems hammy. paul reiser lmao. not a "bad" film but probably the most overrated film of that ilk.
  14. haha. hahahahahhHhHhHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
  15. hey jules. I'm here as a professional aleksi scholar to help you through this. I would recommend starting with the colundi "volumes" not the sequences themselves. so volume 1 and 2. and then simulation. and then sunshine 3.
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