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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. dr lopez

    Brexit :(

    i love BCM's optimism but I see no-deal more likely. unfortunate issue is that if there is a second referendum that voted stay, those leavers wouldn't go down quietly.
  2. lots of people i miss on that first page
  3. listened to on the hour for the first time in ages. incredible show. marvelous. jurassic park
  4. I really want a well-done infographic of every single appearance of Alan in chronological order. starting from on the hour through to this one. the world needs it. I would love to do a full run of alan, not dissimilar to watching every bond film back to back in my static caravan.
  5. This reminds me a lot of Decomposure's stuff. I like both. Also, I think Faceshopping is a pretty great track. I don't really see any semblance between these two artists output other than the fact that they're both females making electronic music. It's like oh, you like four Tet? Aphex twin is much better bro. uh lol dont we do that all the time? it's also fact
  6. pretty hard apparently. i got my old boi on ebay for 300 tho. I resoldered some new rcas and the grounding cable and we were off to the races. amazing machine really. love it.
  7. i never listened to this guys music except the space jam song which i really dislike wow you fucked up. he's a once in a generation talent and he doesn't even know how good he is. i love his music. he is also really fucking insane and definitely has abused women.
  8. yeah.... uh 1995 is... fine. i did listen to variance the other day as well and damn. it holds the fuck up imho afaik
  9. uhhh.... miss me with that post
  10. lmao. turns out i complained and they sent me a corrected copy with the II sign on the spine. I now have all of them and they get progressively darker but vol IV just gets greener. I hate it.
  11. main problem with them is that Harry and Ron are so miscast and are also bad actors. Every film sucks
  12. but she has fat titties and is from indiana. good enough for me
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