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hello spiral

EKT Plus
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Status Updates posted by hello spiral

  1. The worth of boast worlds

    1. auxien


      The wurst of boat whirls

    2. pH1


      The whores of butt welds


  2. Xmas avatar until August

    1. Bechuga


      On the 212th day of Christmas my true love gave to me

    2. ambermonk


      Must be Janucember

    3. logakght
  3. My bread smells of ethyl acetate

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Audioblysk


      I learned today the LD50 of ethyl acetate is 5.5g/kg. That's a lot. Bake your own bread - It's well lush to do so and easy to do in any oven and kitchen!!!!

    3. hello spiral

      hello spiral

      yeah this was a loaf of organic wholemeal I bought just because it was reduced. I think it was fermenting. I chucked it and went back to my usual farmhouse white.

    4. Audioblysk


      Good call. Bake a loaf and throw it at a vagrant.

  4. Please contact HR

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. auxien


      i need to talk to someone about resources, for me who is a human. is this the right number?

    3. Joyrex


      Human Rotation

    4. ambermonk
  5. Using Mod powerZ to reply to locked threads. CHECK UR PRIVILIGE!!1one!

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      That's a little rapey IMO tbqh don't you think?

  6. No records have been returned (E0374)

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      very nice, good work

    2. cwmbrancity


      ta for wanging oop here as i might've missed otherwise chap, insanity of the right variety indeed

  7. *Beep Boop* I'm a robot *Beep Boop* What about men's rights? *Beep Boop*

    1. ambermonk


      What abot robot's rights? Suffrage for Synths!

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Misandry DO REAL

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