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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by phudoshin

  1. very nice! The emotion- what an opener.!!!...
  2. "snareup dreamers" bathroom ravers only?
  3. Well he IS master of his domain :p (oh and his missus helps!)
  4. play Tamphax in a set..... just once :P
  5. have fun folks....rave until you smile! Tod DJing whie label afx? I wonder!
  6. still a whore for mine.... https://www.mixcloud.com/keyfumbler/midi-san-frontieres-squarepusher-remix-collab-4-remixes-by-keyfumbler/
  7. I live in a tiny seaside town but it does have a cinema so I go when I can and as they had the Oscar Best Film winner - "Green Book".. I went along Christ what a saccharine-washed feel-good cliche-ridden load of shit......Oscar my ass! Now the Favorite - THAT was a film! 10/10!
  8. which ticket? confused! BILLET JOUR UP DIMANCHE- RES € 99.00 0 1 2 3 4 BILLET JOUR UP AFTER DIMANCHE- RES € 99.00
  9. I may have to go and make friends again with my pops who lives in Paris cos he's been a right bellend the last few years Aphex Twin - brings families together Amazing fact: I met a french couple at Aphex Tiwn Helsinki 2017 who lived next door to my old man in Paris 6 months before. It was freaky us hearing that!
  10. phudoshin


    yeh that was one of ae sub forum’s cringier episodes.It did result in this great follow-up post however: 13. baesta - rain that feels like postmodern bonner14. manjaere - rain that makes rain that makes you say yes Here's the AE_EURO track names I came up that causes the o u t r a g e sheet 2 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X68nxBTmjILs_8i-nlxPvXpvHSyLaEWSE1Ic81W1aRE/edit?usp=sharing
  11. they's products can't wait to consume them
  12. yeh totlaly agree there. its often the problem with films: pacing. Same with GoT....give us a map and calendar if your not gonna use story to do it! Just saw The Favorite... holy shit it was a perfect film.. pace, acting, script, story, cinematography. amazing movie. I then watched Sophie Copollas's "Mary Antoinette" and was amazed at how shit it was ......... time for a Kubricks "Barry Lyndon" re-wach Also.. big thumbs up for "Kwaiden" mentioned earlier... creepy AF host stories from Japan
  13. Its the space that the track has... it breaths ..... its very organic and got that melancholic vibe but without the boC nostalgia angle
  14. my fave studio track from da boise before NTS which i aint fully digested yet! I love the vocally bits... like the soundtrack for the aliens in aRRIVAL or them chatting over a few tunes during their flight through uinterstellar spacetime
  15. phudoshin

    Brexit :(

    surely israel's got some anti-drone tech they can sell to airports? We all know they're the testing ground for this shit
  16. phudoshin

    Brexit :(

    No brainer explainer from one of our best juornos:
  17. Just want to say..... nice.. Plus never forget this bit of genius
  18. Met some autechre fans this weekend - not the first time i experienced the phenomenon of "Ive got a guy who filters out the good autechre stuff for me - there's just too much" Never said they was tru-fans :p
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