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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. It clearly is accurate when you don’t conveniently forget that they are 13% of the population. If 13% of the country’s population commits three times their share of violent crime, they will most likely draw a similar level of attention from police. Even if the police don’t show up, they’re still killing eachother at alarming rates. Black lives only matter under certain circumstances, it seems.
  2. You missed the part about them committing less violent crime, despite being 70% of the population. This makes the ratio of unarmed white/black killings even more contrary than what everyone is riled up about now. Some people, like Dylan Roof take a white supremacy pov there, I say it’s the war on drugs.
  3. Cops are killing more people in rural areas. A few videos from people’s phones are not accurate crime stats. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/police-are-killing-fewer-people-in-big-cities-but-more-in-suburban-and-rural-america/amp/ They also kill more unarmed white people than unarmed black people despite white people committing much less violent crime, meaning much less violent encounters with the police. The facts are a bit of a head scratcher here and make this whole thing appear horribly misguided. That’s why I think the war on drugs is a much better topic to focus on here than cops killing black people for sport, which outside of a few videos, doesn’t actually happen as much as we are led to believe. They’re just total assholes to black people more often.
  4. Cops. I still grew up hating cops because I was a skateboarder. I think a lot of people become cops for the same reason others join the military. It’s the only chance of having a decent job in a shitty, low opportunity area.
  5. Media companies wouldn’t do it unless they thought it would be good PR, and intersectionality/critical theory are their tools for appearing compassionate to the normies, similar to how the GOP uses Christianity. In the moral panic during the 80’s, Republicans were worried people wouldn’t see Slayer as just music. Yeah, maybe someone will watch Training Day before deciding being a corrupt cop is cool, but I don’t think so. Same with Cops, lol.
  6. You know the movie Heat with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro? Should we ban it? Training Day?
  7. I think the lefty censorship is going to get really out of control. People are probably already thinking about canceling Pulp Fiction or something. I say fuck censorship, no matter what.
  8. Yeah, he robbed a pregnant lady and pointed the gun at her baby bump to threaten her.
  9. There actually aren’t many cops going around killing people in bad neighborhoods in America. It’s mostly non-cops killing eachother in much, much greater numbers. Which makes me wonder why we are focusing on this one little drop in the bucket, since the concern here is, as you say, black lives.
  10. The sarcasm is good! It means you still have a functioning brain. People are losing their fucking minds in here.
  11. Have you ever been to a bad neighborhood in America?
  12. Remember the Kendrick Lamar song, The Blacker The Berry?
  13. Opeth has a lot of great stuff. Blackwater Park and Ghost Reveries are a lot of what they do best, not the recent proginess. Damnation is a really good softer, more "acoustic" album.
  14. I'm sure everyone will give up their guns, too. Then we'll all be fine. Society would transition seamlessly into this shiny happy utopia. I can't believe no one thought of this before. I mean, I've been to Christiania in Copenhagen about 100 times and it's an anarchist community and I loved it, but even that place has its own security and there aren't many guns in Denmark, though a cop did get shot there.
  15. True, and the war on drugs was just the excuse they needed. I think it's a bigger piece of the puzzle. The problem is, we still need police to do the essential police things. When you notice someone has broken into your house and they're probably still inside, who are you going to call? Ghostbusters?
  16. Even black cops will beat the shit out of a black person much harder than a white cop will because it’s the “I’m not one of YOU” mentality and they feel the need to demonstrate it.
  17. Someone I met in North Carolina, who has defended Trump throughout all of his shenanigans said that if James Mattis were to run as a Democrat or a Republican, he would vote for him, based on his recent statement saying Trump is a threat to the constitution. I do think the needle is moving.
  18. Yeah, and from that experience I realized that cops don’t really give a shit about anyone, white, black, purple. Anyone.
  19. I’ll be another one to say that yes, cops can be irredeemable assholes and that type of job tends to attract people who just want to be bullies. They often don’t want to do their actual job if they can weasel out of it, too. Me and some family members can tell you that from experience. That said, once a cop like that moved to a different area, he was replaced by a good one that ended up solving our problem. There are some decent cops and if you disbanded the police force, you’d end up having to hire people to do the same thing. What we need is reform.
  20. Mitt's got bars too. Check his soundcloud. Pretty interesting to see that, though.
  21. The “defund the police” thing isn’t helping. It misses the point and gives Trump ammo. Also, I think just using the phrase “systemic racism”, like Biden just did a few times in his op-ed goes over more heads than you think. It’s a phrase a lot of people have been told to write off and they need it explained well. That’s why I think the war on drugs is the best thing to talk about when it comes to this because there are a lot of white people getting wiped out by OxyContin. People will be more inclined to listen.
  22. https://tubitv.com/movies/372320/the_house_i_live_in?link-action=play&utm_source=google-feed&tracking=google-feed The House I Live In. A documentary dealing with the war on drugs and prison industrial complex. If you know anyone that doesn’t understand institutional racism and how bad it is, show them this documentary. The picture will become abundantly clear.
  23. End the war on drugs. Rethink the whole thing. Very important.
  24. Do u mean that a girl doesn’t half 2 b smart 2 cuddle and luv. It is tru
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