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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Your point was that police are primarily the killers of black people, which is false, and your response is a Wikipedia page on logical fallacies.
  2. The ones primarily doing the killing are other black people, not police. I can’t believe we’re still on this shit either.
  3. Trying to blame all of this on police completely misses the point anyway and it actually seems to intentionally miss the point. It's bad legislation that the American people naively ASKED for decades ago. They wanted to be tough on drugs and crime, but a lot of it ended up backfiring in a sinister way. Cops are killing less people than ever, but we have smartphones now. Not a popular thing to point out, I realize, but it's still true. The American public just isn't smart enough to have a nuanced conversation about fucking anything, no matter where they are on the political spectrum.
  4. Nope. For all the fucked up things the US has done overseas, we’re not currently committing genocide or trying to start WW3.
  5. Well, if someone points out that the USA is still a nicer country than China, they aren’t wrong. The USA isn’t even that racist compared to them, nevermind all the geopolitical fuckery. Never. We’re about to enter a new Cold War with China.
  6. USA and China are definitely not on the same team.
  7. Actually, a lot of countries wouldn’t like China becoming the global superpower, for obvious reasons. They’d end up actually getting fucked, even though it’s fashionable to demonize the USA.
  8. I bet China would love it if the bronys got their way and the CIA was abolished though.
  9. I'll check it out. Mark Ruffalo is one of the best actors around, imo.
  10. Yeah, Nascar has some more Smollett-core. And the nuance of "defund the police" doesn't translate well. The slogan was probably created by controlled opposition.
  11. The very idea of Shaun King sounds like a Farrelly Brothers movie or something. But it's real life.
  12. Amy McGrath is ahead in her Kentucky primary so far, which is good because we're trying to get Mitch removed from Kentucky. I'm not really trusting any super progressive candidates right now, to be honest. Getting rid of Mitch is way more important.
  13. I think a lot of things like police brutality or anecdotal stories you hear from black people and think “... oh shit” are really effects of the war on drugs and how it started the trend of treating some American citizens as enemies. Race might be too narrow of a thing to focus on, but the effects of our history linger. I have no idea if that makes sense. I was cool with toppling Confederate statues. They’re traitors. But some of the other statues are of your friends, broskis.
  14. It’s all about the light & crispy bois these days. No DIPAs or Imperial Fucking Stouts for a while here.
  15. And Patagonia. Fjällräven, though. Dankest jackets of all.
  16. Jack Ryan is very silly and makes the effort to be realistic but of course isn’t. Most of the time being a spy involves finding people that do horribly illegal things and letting them get away with it so you can follow them and assess the bigger picture from a distance, which would be terrible for audiences.
  17. Ok that Sabbath shirt dope af
  18. People are getting fired for sticking to the biological facts. This is what JK Rowling originally spoke up about. She‘s absolutely right, FWIW. Gender identity doesn’t change your biological sex, so... case closed.
  19. Another good one to consider. https://www.city-journal.org/how-to-be-an-antiracist
  20. Good stuff there. When I see pride flags and BLM signs with long slogans denouncing bigotry in front of so many homes I can’t help but think it’s their version of a Virgin Mary statue or something.
  21. I work with a group of people that is about identical to the diverse cast of characters you listed. Race, or anything like that is never the issue. We’re being fed a metric ton of bullshit that is meant to divide us. It’s all based on Critical Race Theory, an academic form of misguided wokeness that’s getting a bit out of hand and warping people’s minds. And only about 9% of the US electorate really subscribes to it.
  22. His biggest faults were with foreign policy. He had a very passive approach and ignored a lot of good advice from more experienced people on these matters and smugly brushed them off. Remember the “Russian reset” and that silly reset button Hillary gave the Russian foreign minister Lavrov as a stupid gag gift? Uuuuuhhhhgghhhhhh Lavrov: “actually, it means recharge”
  23. I was getting a bit tired of movies like this, but ended up thinking it was Spike Lee’s best movie in a long time. Topher Grace as David Duke was so dank.
  24. It was a very routine DUI arrest. Then, the guy had this strange sudden impulse to commit suicide by cop.
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