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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. They’re saying “he wouldn’t have died if he didn’t have that underlying health condition. It’s his fault his brain had a lack of oxygen, not the officer who kneeled on his neck for several minutes.”
  2. There’s so much about it that is so classic. I think the 4th and 5th episodes were the most mind blowing.
  3. Exactly. Remember 1990’s America? That was so fucking dope. I want to move to Canada now.
  4. My dog had her own cast iron skillet, jet skis, drone, and Pinterest page which consisted of nothing but pictures of squirrels and rabbits. It’s 2020 now.
  5. This is one of my favorite albums ever.
  6. Oooh, an opportunity for a riddle. The main people responsible for such a global fuckup could include one of the following: 1. The 1997-1998 Chicago Bulls 2. Tom Hanks and Idris Elba 3. Roseanne Barr 4. The Chinese Government 5. Buzz Lightyear and Tupac’s hologram
  7. Yeah come on, guys. Don’t be silly. They would NEVER
  8. Hanlon’s razor is fucking perfect for getting away with things right in front of wicked smaht people
  9. What if: there is already reliable intel on the Chinese govt discovering a naturally occurring virus and altering it to increase its transmissibility to humans in a lab setting. Then whoopsie, it got out. But just saying this outright or making it publicly known would be a disaster for a myriad of reasons, so zip it, buster. For now.
  10. Well, Trump is endorsing his senate opponent, Tommy Tuberville (actual name, lol). Sessions was one of Trumps earliest adopters because he thought Trump was serious about immigration reform, and did everything he could realistically do to save his ass with the investigations. Trump doesn’t understand how political allies work, and Sessions is up to here with this horse manure, I reckon.
  11. What you see in that video is a right of passage and ritualistic sense of belonging. A beautiful act of courage.
  12. I got it direct deposited, but put his letter on the refrigerator as a joke.
  13. Yeah, when I watch something new, it’s usually on a whim and I’m pleasantly surprised if I end up liking it. Music can be the same way. I think it’s just years passing by.
  14. This “establishment bad” train of thought is very far removed from what actual voters think, though. Most of them are not perpetually online keeping track of every new meme. Plus, every presidential nominee vets several people to be VP, even people that shouldn’t even be considered at all like Stacey Abrams, who has never won a statewide election and leans a bit too “Twitter activist” for a national election.
  15. Just don't use the deep web to buy ingredients to manufacture cocaine/smuggle humans/sell or buy firearms/dispatch hitmen/fund militias, etc. This is like getting caught passing a note in class and you will be disciplined thoroughly.
  16. I masturbated into the camera so much that it is permanently covered. My Zoom meetings are so quiet now.
  17. Zuck is watching US all poop while he eats a bowl of Kix. I don’t know how to say this any clearer.
  18. Just read the comic. It's so much scarier and adrenaline inducing than this show. The comic may be the best zombie related thing ever. Total gnarboots. Yeah, the first episode is basically a bait and switch.
  19. Interesting, I live in Medford near Tufts.
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