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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I just did a major vape distillate haul today. I haven’t actually smoked a spliff in a few weeks. It’s a nice transition, but expensive plus I can’t really smoke where I live now, too odorific for the general populace
  2. I’m doin a heckin wake n vape mom leave me alone *practices oboe*
  3. I appreciate lyrics more these days but I have to read them to actually absorb them. Especially in the metals musics. im gonna give this hummer band a spin
  4. There was a mod, delet... that went on some Trump supporting rant and I was like wtf you are from Australia why is this uniquely American retardation even appealing to you?
  5. She ain’t boycottin them ol’ tittays
  6. Well, the narrative went into overdrive and prevents an accurate picture of these issues.
  7. After watching The Americans, I watched some interviews with the actors and thought Matthew Rhys seemed more believable on the show than as a whimsical Welsh guy in real life. So I’m going to watch Perry Mason next.
  8. This Chromatics album has some great songs, slows down a lot, then gets better at the end, but it definitely creates a vibe that sticks around, leaves an impression. Also I listened to In The Court of The Crimson King again after a while and it is majestic af
  9. Yes, it’s one of the reasons he chose her. She uses top shelf shampoo and conditioner. Smart play, imo
  10. Turmeric(with black pepper) is the hottest new cure for autism. Vaping it is like PCP for the soul, and a great conversation starter. Everyone should have a Camelbak backpack sized cartridge of it at all times to ward off the evil spirits, goblins, and gargoyles of psychosexual bedlam that were let loose in our village by the paranormal nomadic tribes last Wednesday. Maggots appear in even the freshest food and the children are speaking languages they’ve never learned while they sleep. Sometimes at dusk, the same man appears in the distance and completely immolates himself when approached. So yeah, I’m glad weed is legal.
  11. Season 3 was my favorite. Lots of stupendously amazing scenes in that. Season 2 was just a great season of TV, I’m not sure what’s so objectionable about it. When I started season 1 I expected to hate it because of the quirkiness and then Billy Bob shows up and just slays. Overall, the series has a tone and attention to detail, humour, characters that I don’t see matched by many other shows. I should do a rewatch at some point.
  12. Yeah I looked up those pics from 1979. That is actually a very dense thicket of pubes, like armor.
  13. Investing in the social infrastructure isn’t even close to wealth distribution, but it’s still scary enough to make all the billionaires move their money offshore at the mere mention of it.
  14. Fargo really does wipe the floor with Breaking Bad. Only season 4 and 5 of BB really can really compare with any season of Fargo.
  15. I have zero doubt that present day Madonna is batshit insane. She probably does tantric ghost pepper enemas or something. But she had good tunes.
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