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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. If you set a new standard like “believe all women” people are going to take advantage of that. See: Al Franken. He got sacrificed to avoid the appearance of hypocrisy.
  2. This is a problem for Joe Biden because he has to avoid a double standard, not because of actual evidence of sexual abuse. Kavanaugh didn’t rape or abuse Dr. Ford either, which is what really makes this whole thing awkward. Just passing this along from more informed people. You don’t have to believe me(see what I did there) I mean, it’s not like false accusations that everyone felt obligated to believe in order to avoid a double standard have backfired on any Senators from Minnesota before...
  3. For those that Believe All Women: What if you were accused? Due process. It exists for a reason.
  4. I gave myself a buzz cut and it was easy. Also, Communism really did kill millions of people. Cummunisn killed maybe 1 or 2.
  5. It's today and he's saying "hello everybody." I wonder how long the administration can keep this up?
  6. Man, that Autechre AMA was a lyrical miracle.
  7. Some pretty perverted images on the last page there.
  8. Meet me in the Communist Footlicker Thread for a rambunctious time.
  9. If she does it, she’s a keeper
  10. Maybe he wants to sue for his injuries. Do you know anyone who practices bird law?
  11. My grandma’s at a nursing home that just got hit with it. One person died, and my grandma is one of a few sent to the hospital with a fever. It’s about ten minutes away from my mom’s house but no one can even go see her obviously. We don’t even know the hospital yet.
  12. So I just found out there is an actual medical term called the faecal occult blood test. It's where they sample your poo for small amounts of blood. So mundane for something that sounds like a satanic ritual.
  13. Tortoise is considered post rock, and they're one of my favorite bands. I'm not sure it's the best label for them, since they have a totally different take on it and have very different musical leanings than post-anything bands. They're like accomplished jazz musicians making some kind of posh modern kraut-rock. TNT and Standards are my favorite albums by them but they have brilliant tracks scattered throughout the discog GY!BE is like the polar opposite, but they have some very memorable moments in those long ass songs. Good soundtrack stuff.
  14. I think their songs have a ton of buildup with short bursts of pure awesome, kind of like Swans. Hipsters will hate bands far less guilty of this for the same reason, but will cum tiramisu for GY!BE and Swans every thyme
  15. Well, double (or imperial) IPAs, are a little too popular for their own good and an example of what can be so wrong about hoppy beer. I’ve had good ones, but I guess I’m a bit over it. There are tons of truly excellent, well balanced IPAs in the 6 to 7% abv range.
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