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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I actually had thought of the “Yosemite”/“Anti-Semite” thing before but I think of all kinds of things that have to be shelved due to cultural taboos and social norms and it’s better to not draw attention to yourself and all that and then the fucking president just blurts it out
  2. I won’t lie, on more than one occasion I have thought that Madonna had a pretty damn good run back in the day and I gots mad respect.
  3. Freddie Gibbs could rap over drukQs and sound cool somehow.
  4. Room(s) actually gives me some of that good old fashioned nostalgia ™ that I see so many people talk about. Vapor City is good but the BoC remix thing he did was better.
  5. Then again, Ed Sheeran supposedly played 300 shows one year before he became a star, so... maybe there are no rules and no magic formula and reality makes no sense.
  6. A lot of the time, the ability to eek out a living off music at first is what led many artists to rise above the rest and have more staying power. Then they get money and make a better/as good album.
  7. Canada is looking nicer and nicer. What’s your favorite part of Canada, everyone? I need to check out Montreal once this shit is over.
  8. I watched Carrie the other day and thought the mom was completely hilarious. Every time she said “roadhouse whiskey on his breath” I fucking died I have no idea why.
  9. But we also lose a ton of great music that isn’t canonized. In the 90’s, even the radio could be really nice. People took for granted that even radio fodder and stuff that would become a relic was of very high quality.
  10. Couldn’t have put it better myself. We won’t be seeing any Fleetwood Macs ever again from the looks of things. But we might see a few critically acclaimed lukewarm rehashes of Fleetwood Mac, or Arcade Fire.
  11. He still let me trade an Iggy The Iguana for THE ear from Blue Velvet.
  12. I was openly lambasted by David Lynch. My name is my name, but I still finance his work to this day. His recent animated short? I had to sell two of my most fire Beanie Babies to fund that thing, but that is the cross I choose to bear.
  13. Maybe it’s making new music less exciting. Looking at the Pfork cover what seems like this week’s latest high school talent show doesn’t seem as substantial as watching a non canonized band’s new music video in 1997. There will be no stars, no one will seem very important.
  14. Lol yup. Apparently the house burning down was just the grand finale after years of bullshit. I’m surprised my mom’s house only had a few windows cracked because the flames got really close. Second fire in that house, third on her street in a couple years. Now when I go visit there’s an empty lot with weeds growing where the house used to be and it’s... beautiful.
  15. But on the other hand, my mom’s neighbor had a house that was supposed to be a duplex but had 17 people. It completely burned down and the owner got investigated for human trafficking.
  16. Stay smart and be politically active while a better ratio in congress and better president/admin are in charge. Have a good plan though.
  17. Cryptic Shift is on some next level space odyssey shit forreal
  18. Candiru

    Shitpiss 15

    How many bushels of cumsemen are required to power an 1890’s steam engine on a transcontinental trip from coast to coast going 45mph with the wind at 7knots? Don’t know? Educate yourself. ?
  19. I doubt many MAGAs turned that stimulus check down. Everyone likes social safety nets as long as the branding is right. That would be a lot easier if the States were actually “United”. We could be like an edgier Canada. Omg JUST IMAGINE
  20. Isn’t it because the oligarchs just take all the money for themselves? It’s speculated that Putin is the richest person in the world because of this.
  21. Candiru

    Shitpiss 15

    Shitpiss6 Shitpisser - Ultrapissitor, Go Pisstake, Feed Me Weird Pissshit
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