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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I put a piece of string through a speaker, tie it to a tin can in the next room and listen to it there. They call me Professor Audiophile because I fux wit sounz
  2. I'm glad that band turned out to not be rapistsess because those first three albums at least are fucking wicked
  3. Food Porn Pathogens Fetish Cheese Fisch Talk'O
  4. Even if they see this as some sort of victory over the next 72 hour news cycle, this will come back and bite them in the ass so hard when more and more evidence is made public.
  5. It's weird how so many other countries can handle violent movies and video games.
  6. Trump Spoke To Witnesses About Matters They Discussed With Special Counsel https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/07/us/politics/trump-witnesses-special-counsel-priebus-mcgahn.html Mueller gathers evidence that 2016 Seychelles meeting was effort to establish back channel to Kremlin https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/mueller-gathers-evidence-that-2016-seychelles-meeting-was-effort-to-establish-back-channel-to-kremlin/2018/03/07/b6a5fb8c-224b-11e8-94da-ebf9d112159c_story.html?utm_term=.092491e1230b
  7. I actually liked jury duty and I'd do it again. I also think I'd get an amphetamine-like rush from being a prosecutor and I'd probably end up being a corrupt politician that owns a space casino and pet polar bears and an armoured car limousine thing.
  8. Dick Dawkins Titz Lange Coward Cox Feces B. DaMeal
  9. That's like a dispensary closing due to too many taco trucks.
  10. If lobsters were land animals, would we still eat them? The fact that they have to live in water to survive makes them less creepy and creates a safe distance. If huge spiders from the rain forest were as delicious with heaps of butter on them, would they be in such high demand? I have my doubts, and dare I say, you should too...
  11. I would be sort or annoyed if someone was just taking a video of me on their phone for no reason. I'm not THAT interesting and I know they'd just be doing it as a provocation. I barely post anything on facebook. There are hardly any pictures of me documenting my existence. Flying below the radar is my MO.
  12. It's the code word for a kilo of cocaine. Your local deli is actually a front for a crime syndicate, and you were told this by a giant and a little man in your dream.
  13. What do you think about their newest one, which is a different style but still pretty good eh?
  14. He might be thinking that, but he's mostly just stumbling around the idea of being president and saying whatever comes into his dementia addled mind. I don't even think he'll be president for long enough to enact any kind of serious gun control. The noose is tightening faster and faster.
  15. He must have given up the farm if they're considering not charging him with anything after indicting him for laundering tens of millions of dollars, myriad other financial crimes, Conspiracy Against The United States, and lying during his "Queen For a Day" plea deal. The power of putting the squeeze on. Trump hasn't looked well the past couple of days. More orange and disheveled than usual...
  16. Moka pot is trve kvlt Black Coffee. Not everyone can hang. We are first into battle and fear nothing.
  17. I'm glad my moka pot sermon has inspired so many. I enjoy the primitive aspect of it but also the strong-ass coffee is like crack that makes you look forward to the morning and when you try different beans you appreciate the subtle nuances. Medium dark roasts seem like a good bet usually, but I wanna get some fancy beans when my current batch runs out.
  18. It's true. I remember when WATMM was like the Wild West, with more fucked up people and demented comedy and horror and even bewbs.
  19. I think we all love you Bulk/Stephen G. But tbh I think some of Trump's money laundering predicaments will have to do with human trafficking. Possibly at his hotel in Panama. But what do I know...
  20. Once you go moka pot, it’s hard to go back to regular drip coffee.
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