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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Yeah, I found most could also be interpreted as FWP. FWP thread posts on the other hand are usually pretty unambiguous. *in response to usagi
  2. I mistook the FWS thread for the FWP thread, and none of the posts tipped me off that I was in the wrong one.
  3. If you haven't checked out Commissions II yet, I highly, hiiiiighly recommend it! The Bullet Hell Abstraction tracks are otherworldly and Suite for Magnetic Rose is stunningly beautiful. Unless of course, you've already given it a listen and weren't too keen on it, though I have a feeling this album is going to be one hell of an incredible masterpiece. I like what I'm hearing in the trailer and all the talk about death metal guitars haha I haven't checked it out, will do so asap. I did like the progression in that trailer, thought it was much stronger melodically than anything else I've heard from him. Haha, this is what came to mind when I saw the title too. Is delet a fan of OPN? I recall him saying something about his music being the equivalent of people messing about with the arpeggiator setting on a keyboard, which we've all done at one time or another.
  4. Man, i get pretty psyched up reading about how revolutionary people think OPN is, but any time I put on one of his albums I'm left pretty unsatisfied. I'm always keeping an ear open for these new set of parameters I keep hearing about, but I never hear it. Maybe this time the glory will present itself. *will report back in 3-5 days time*
  5. I'm listening back to this Indie comp now, and it's holding up remarkably well considering how all over the board it is. There's just this one track on the more dubsteppy/electronica side of things where they just destroyed the fucking thing with dynamic compression before it got to me. It's squashed to hell, and distorting in all the wrong ways, no way to salvage it. it's too bad because I think there's a semi-decent track hidden away within all that grossness. It really boggles my mind that anyone thinks doing that to a track is a good idea. Also I've got to reduce the volume on that one a chunk. Word to the wise for anyone contributing music to a compilation: do not attempt to master your own track --I know you think it's going to make your track sound bigger and badder than everything else on the comp, but chances are the reverse will be true.
  6. This has always been a problem for me in any "post your favorite ___" thread. I even started one of those and requested that all videos be put in spoilers, but no one ever listens. Sometimes you just have to give up those group participation threads. FWP: mastering a 22 track indie compilation where no two recordings are anywhere near the same sonic ballpark. it's madness I tells ya! (don't worry watmm, it's not you --the "most IDM" comps are always remarkably consistent.)
  7. I get tipsy off half a bottle of beer, drunk after 1.5, shitfaced at 3, puking my face off at 5. Almost never badly hungover though. *this post goes with the above beer conversation, though I suppose it is also what I do.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ml1G919Bts0
  9. Oh hey, I missed this post somehow. Thanks! 23:23.... I think I posted that in YLC back in 2006?? Damn, that's almost a decade ago. Crazy! Glad it left an impression.
  10. I lost my first job because i slept through my alarm on my second shift. I was bummed because it was a theatre job and I could see all the free movies I wanted, any time. I did manage to squeeze in a showing of Oh Brother Wherre Art Thou, which was one of the better movies of that era. If I could have kept that job, I'd probably still be there to this day, because hey --free movies!
  11. Earlier today I couldn't remember what a bathmat was called. Our old one got thrown out for some reason I don't recall, and today I was putting down a towel in its place. When informing my girlfriend of this I said "this will be our new... foot... stander..." and then we laughed about how stupid I am.
  12. Woke up with several bug bites on my feet. Walking around is going to suck.
  13. I've probably done that before, but in this case I think Joyrex deleted the thread (just saw his thread complaining about asinine question threads). When I posted my FWP it was still a mystery.
  14. I posted in this thread but it appears to have disappeared. FWP: threads I post in vanish into nothingness.
  15. Landscaper outside keeps revving his motors on my hangover. Been going on since 8am and it's goddamn 11 now.
  16. I always imagined a high pitched squeaky voice that was impossible to understand whenever I saw delet's old posts. As a result I had absolutely no handle on their actual tone or content.
  17. That feelin'.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEDgRHDQhQo
  18. My sample rates keep changing around on me, then switching back, for reasons I can't explain... I feel like I'm losing my mind. Also, useless, stupid, existential angst, or something... feel like getting drunk by myself. Brain is sludge. Can't write in complete sentences.
  19. Yeah, I read over the several that I copied down and decided they really weren't great enough to warrant sharing, even though they were the most hilarious thing in the world to me at the time.
  20. Went to a random phrase generating site, partly because I'm stumped on a name for a track, partly because of that new Wilco song. Now I can't seem to pull myself away. I enjoy idiotic time wasters like this way too much.
  21. I had this problem too. Need to just leave it until the save dialogue box pops up (which can be a while even if it says 99%) It had been stuck at 99% for a while. Earlier in the day I had tried on a different computer, different browser, with a whole host of other problems relating to that site, which rendered it impossible to get it past even 10%. It seems mega is just total garbage.
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