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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Two sides of a shit coin right there. His side however is far, far shittier. As much as I didn't like her off the bat, there was no part of me that was like "serves her right" at the end.
  2. I mean you could have read his post somewhere, then made this thread (logical), and are therefore being sarcastic. Or it could be a coincidence and you sincerely think it's neat (also logical). The message/tone works perfectly either way. Usually sarcasm/sincerity is quite obvious. This is a rare exception. Pointless thought(s): all the extra words I'm using to reply when a small sentence could suffice.
  3. As the leader of a successful multinational corporation I am held up by just so much money omg it's so much money that I have all the time it's great.
  4. As the leader of a successful multinational corporation I find this news to be quite heartening.
  5. This post reads perfectly as either sincere or sarcastic. Actually pretty rare that happens. That's my pointless thought.
  6. lol I take no precautions whatsoever... beyond clicking "don't agree" to sites that give me the option with regards to ad targeting. Although... kind of irrelevant I guess since I automatically ignore ads. Yep. Government's gonna do some nefarious shit to me at some point. "Oh, so you like pizza? Well welcome to the pizza chamber facility. We hope you enjoy eating it to death while your friends watch on Zoom."
  7. Good or Whack is easily Surveillance Capitalism's best album. They got kind of soft after that.
  8. I keep hearing that name in relation to something internet-related, but I have no idea what it is. And it makes me think about my own mortality every time I hear it.
  9. It's "good" in the effective/powerful sense. So yes, as the leader of a multinational corporation I think it's very good.
  10. OP's emoji response is off the charts in this here thraed.
  11. Yeah, that works for me. Making a concentrated effort to stay awake despite feeling physically and mentally exhausted - to overwake oneself. I am overwaking after a long weekend of next to no sleep so that I may still go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up fresh tomorrow. I overwoke yesterday and am too tired to hardtoke today.
  12. There have been no reported new cases on the island where I live in the last couple days, and only one patient left in the hospital with symptoms.
  13. toke hard. Wow I missed a lot of replies between what I was actually responding to and here. But still, toke hard. Just in general. PS I don't even toke soft. But even if I did, I wouldn't, because I'd toke hard.
  14. Ah damn, I'm always happy any time that guy's on screen.
  15. Stand Inside Your Love is a good song. And Everlasting Gaze is good aside from that one part... which really is the worst part of any song ever recorded by anyone. I'm surprised Flood didn't... help somehow.
  16. I don't know why, but I almost watched that entire thing. Most annoying thing I've put myself through in a while. Also... the guy she was harassing behind the counter looks a lot like someone I went to elementary school with who was also named Jesse. Hard to say though, what with the mask + being 25 years older. I'm going to pretend it is anyway.
  17. Fashion egg carton segments into shields between your eyes and lenses. You're welcome.
  18. Not gonna lie - that thought did weigh on my mind as I took it out of the oven. But alas, I have no soybean oil.
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