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Everything posted by th555

  1. Thanks, you're the man ? Yeah So is quite lovely indeed.
  2. If you'll allow me to go slightly off-topic, can you namedrop some more early 2000's japanese artists that you'd put in the same list? I'm very curious as I'm always pining for more Takemura-esque stuff but rarely find it.
  3. Hmm, something like those but with a piano roll, does that exist?
  4. th555

    Warp Tapes WAV

    Yes I guess, from the first page of AAA (Sean):
  5. Came across this nice list of livecoding environments: https://github.com/toplap/awesome-livecoding/blob/master/README.md
  6. Noice. Has that sort of woody texture which I like.
  7. th555

    XHK - XH HX

    Do we know anything about how they made this? I was thinking they might have used this: http://warmplace.ru/soft/ans/ , it's from the creator of SunVox which has been mentioned in AAA iirc.
  8. Nice Tanzmaus! Demo'd both it and the Tanzbar lite, settled on the Bar eventually but it was a tough choice.
  9. It's cool, the osc section is especially great and it's nice to have a different filter option besides the old Nanozwerg. Track in my sig is a Blofeld fm patch through the Monologue.
  10. My little jam space at the moment.
  11. I once used a DOS program called "MIDIer" in dosbox to play midi files with the equivalent OPL instruments, it was pretty neat. You can use this program: https://github.com/Wohlstand/OPL3BankEditor/releases to load the bank and then save the individual instruments as .sbi files one by one.
  12. This guy is also the creator of LSD Dream Emulator. Last track has some phat beats.
  13. Should've put a VGA output on that so you can hook up your own monitor.
  14. https://vcvrack.com/ A new virtual modular system, free and open source. It looks pretty nice, not a lot of modules yet but some of the Mutable Instruments modules use the original source code, they say. Code is on github but there's not much in the way of documentation yet https://github.com/VCVRack/Rack
  15. In other news, after playing with my micro modular for a while I really want a G2 now... Guess it really is a gateway drug :P
  16. Nice! Love the cv controlled delay on that one.
  17. I'm always GASing for one of those too sheathe. You could always go for a tanzbar lite or a tanzmaus which are about half the price. You do get a lot of bang for your buck with mfb gear it seems.
  18. Yeah, the Axoloti sounds like it is much better suited for that, because while it has less internal resources, it's not running a full OS and it's already got good ACD and DAC (and MIDI) soldered to the board, plus it's got an USB port where you can just attach some cheapo MIDI controller which you can control the thing with. So right off the bat you can do pretty much anything with it and no need to solder stuff. I did some experimenting over the weekend with the Pi and it's onboard audio is pretty bad and noisy, I ended up using a Zoom bass pedal with an integrated USB interface to get an acceptable sound. I think I'd want at least 4in and 4out to play nice with any future stereo effects. Here's that GAS again... You could get one of those behringer USB dac/adc's, should cost 20 or 30 bucks.
  19. I have a clip sport, using it with a 180GB sd card without any problems. Just use the Folder > External Card menu, instead of the regular Music menu. I miss rockbox dearly though. There's a player currently available as new called Xduoo X3, it has 2 micro SD slots and there's a rockbox port for it. Only thing keeping me from getting it is the allegedly pretty poor battery life (8 hours or so).
  20. Wow, that Axoloti looks really really nice! You can even program your own modules (in C I suppose) if I'm not mistaken. DC coupled outputs.. and it's pretty cheap. It's even better than that - there's a Max/MSP style patching environment. Yea, looks pretty great that! But I'm especially happy about the user made objects because I've been searching for a sort of generic DSP hardware platform for a while, and it seems very well suited for that.
  21. Reed & wind physical models look dope on that, Auditor.
  22. i already have that itb... lots of vst, max/msp or supercollider if i'm really crazy that day. also, i have mostly what you say in the zoom pedal; 137 efx 6 of which can be combined in a single preset. but yes, i need a hw that can do something interesting to the signal., hw cause i'd take it with me to gigs and for a change i want to turn physical, real pots. the gc do just that, fucks up the audio but i'm afraid it could be a one trick pony. the retroverb lancet doesn't destroy the signal but it still fucks the signal only with much more love than the gc, it has nice sounding filters and an extensive modulation + spring reverb. but do i need filters and modulation when i have mnm and md? ...that have 34 programmable lfos in total. the ''nice sounding'' part could outweigh the money. speaking of working at home, geiger counter is the only efx in my budget that i couldn't replace with a sw; no such vst and i'm not that knowledgeable in max and sc programming. it's questionable if i can find a vst substitute for the lancet, i have the drop and other modulation plugs, not sure. i'm only thinking about any of these cause i have 400-450 euros to spend. i don't need anything really. i'm sure i could gig with only my mnm for the next 20 yrs and in the next 20 only with md. but hey, gas took my soul ;) i haven't bought a thing in a month :) Maybe I'm completely missing the point but for crazy effects in stereo maybe consider the jomox t-resonator? Delay, reverb and filterbox that can go wild. i believe i could replicate most of its functions with the zoom ms-70cdr, minus the resonant filter. also, im not sure why, but i find it really boring sounding and looking, based on yt videos. im terrible, i know ;) Pretty sure there's a filter/delay combo in the zoom. Don't know how high the resonance goes though..
  23. Wow, that Axoloti looks really really nice! You can even program your own modules (in C I suppose) if I'm not mistaken. DC coupled outputs.. and it's pretty cheap.
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