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Everything posted by Cryptowen

  1. the process by which a concept is formalized by a series of terms which become increasingly technical over time, increasing generic, stripped of any particular emotional or qualitative weight. ex.: the term "content creator" coming to replace "artist". kind of like an inversion of the process by which something initially clothed in very formal/technical terms gradually gains character & a sense of familiarity, as it comes to be referred to by increasingly slangy or "cute" terms
  2. i googled glenn beck because that's how i always imagined glenn beck looking turns out that glenn beck looks much different than that, i dunno who this man is
  3. i've heard that arguement as well, and i think it really is something that has to be broken down in terms of case-by-case motivation. like for some i could certainly see it leading to a quantifying mindset - they're walking around, seeing everything in terms of the number of likes & reblogs it could get on social media. An extreme example of this would be instagram models of every sort, where so many shots are meant to affect this feeling of "just out here bein' me, livin' life, not a care in the world & someone happened to take a photo". When of course the reality is that for the ones who've made a vocation out of it, all of these photos are entirely staged, taken in batch & released piecemeal in order to give the illusion of a rich & vibrant life. poses, angles, objects & aesthetics are adopted solely corresponding to what the clickthrough data is saying results in maximum audience retention. But I think for other people, for us, photography is entirely different. it gives me a reason for being more focused on my immediate environment, rather than off in my head somewhere. it makes life feel like a treasure hunt - i'm constantly on the lookout for a view that will transform a mundane environment into a magical space. i like that idea - that there's a beautiful world hidden all over the place, that exists in the cracks of the boring world. you just have to see things from the right angle - and the more you're able to do that, the easier it gets. when i've been really on with my photography practice it gets to the point where i feel like i can just look in any random direction & see a cool photo waiting to be taken.
  4. yeah, it was an artform i particularly enjoyed engaging with because for me personally it always felt more extroverted than my usual creative pursuits, more worldly. like if music is usually very much about looking inward, expressing my own feelings; then photography was more like being a journalistic, interacting with the world as a human rather than an owen cellphone photography can be fun in the sense that it gives you limitations to work with, but sometimes those limitations are annoying. the autofocus on my phone is quite bad, for example, and basically doesn't allow for macro shots or anything like that
  5. ding & eassae your photos are incroyable, it's making me want to get back on the grind proper. taking photos with a cellphone is no beuno. it's hard to steady the shot, hard to focus, doesn't feel right in my hands. tempted to try getting my camera repaired or even get a new camera before mr. trudeau turns off the money faucet for real. photography was one of my main reasons for going outside previous to my camera being donked by turtles
  6. good picks. i'd have to think about what shrooms remind me of...tbh i've always been much more visual & kinetic on psychedelics. i plan on listening to music beforehand, but then during i end up either sitting in silence for hours or wandering off to the nearest patch of woods. i think the main reason that jelinek track (which is great) reminds me so much of mdma is because it's a sound i associate very much with montreal dj sets. and i guess tonally it has a particular feel - hyper-repetitive & machinic, but not clean & crystalline like, say, some robert hood tracks. rather everything has this hazy, sweaty, organic texture. much like mdma itself, it kind of reminds you of sex but more anti-social, more focused on singluar adherance to the groove rather than attempting to articulate some romantic/human sentiment i did have a good moment on one of my first ever trips (i ate like 500 morning glory seeds i bought at the garden centre). listened to the richard d james album & after it was over it felt like it was still going. my brain just came up with a bunch of new tracks that sounded like they would go on that album, in real time
  7. You'll be given bread You'll be taken care of You'll be given bread You'll have the crusts of Maybe not where the sign says "you can't feed geese" Maybe not from the picnics You are staring at honk and flap around It's all around you All is full of bread All around you
  8. itd be terrifying having bjork as your mom. imagine you accidentally threw a baseball through the neighbour's window & then when you get home it's like an entire flock very angry/harmonic geese are coming at ya
  9. music that represented what i thought drugs would be like before i ever did drugs: the orb, opn, the entire genre of psytrance music that actually reminds me of being on drugs after a couple years of mostly not doing them: "rock in the video age" by jan jelinek i can't hear this track without feeling like i'm on too much mdma in a basement somewhere
  10. Cryptowen

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    *book has pattern, system, or organization in the title* my brain: bru u should go talk to her
  11. there should be a word for the distinct feeling of accidentally stumblng across someone else's fetish material online - specifically when it's something so abstract that it doesn't even initially seem sexual in any obvious sense (like say, famous people being magically transformed into pool toys or some shit), and yet it has a certain je ne sais quoi, everything about the wording & the presentation feels pornographic, and all of the comments are things like "yeah you inflate adam sandler & sit on him for several hours floating in your kiddie pool drinking beers & playing bejewelled on your phone, yyyyyeahhhh, that's it...yeah, you do that..." i second this. maintaining regular omad with occassional longer fasts keeps me feeling much sharper than the few periods of my adult life where i was eating "normal" (usually in relationships). it takes a little getting used to but once adapted you get to the point where even going 36h without food (or alternatively, eating 36h worth of food in one meal) doesn't feel like a big deal at all fwp: the lady upstairs keeps moving her furniture around all day every day. she's actively taunting me wth all the gains she's making while the gyms remain closed (i own no furniture to push around)
  12. 1/7th is basically just 0.(2x7)(2xthat)(2xthat)repeating dunno how this took me so long to notice but it's really gonna come in handy calculating beat tempos i reckon
  13. i've made a similar arguement to ppl before regarding sex, they never agree with me. but sex/sexual attraction is a very weird thing imo. it's a weird thing to sober up hormonely while you're kneedeep; to float outside yourself, feeling like some kind of saturnine auric residue oberving the clockwork undulation of your own flesh. i had more than a few existential moments in my young adulthood - why am I so distracted right now? I thought this was supposed to be the thing whose lack was causing my distraction at every other moment!
  14. the only thing i feel like i consume questionable amounts of these days is caffeine. i make cold brew each morning which involves taking a 4cup measure, filling it up with two cups of coffee grounds, the rest with water, then letting it sit overnight. that's my first coffee of the morning, and then usually there are many more. yesrday i drank a 180mg caffiene energy drink about an hour before bed but i don't really feel any negative side effects from this. i usually feel well rested etc. in fact from time to time i'll go completely cold turkey on caffiene for a week or two, and there's no withdrawal or anything. i think i just am really into tha bruu
  15. I feel like he might be taking some cues from OPN, at least in terms of the music video aesthetics
  16. i don't smoke weed but i have noticed that coffee seems to have a grounding/"normalizing" effect any time i've drank it on psychedelics. it has a very earthy, mundane energy to it. used to go out after raves coming down off 2tb & drink a double espresso in a park somewhere, felt nice
  17. my eyes actually do that when i'm not focusing on anything. didn't realize til i was like 16 & zoned out one morning while brushing my teeth in front of the mirror
  18. *Universal pictures sitting beside you on the couch at the NYE afterparty, petting your shoulder* "Babe, hey, you look stressed out. i think we should go back to my room babe. i have some fil-uhms we can watch* *You, leaning away, feeling cold even though the room is warm, grinding teeth* "No, I...I think I want to go home. None of this feels right...The tv said...things are still happening...I...I think people are still sick...I... *Universal leans in closer, wrapping his arm around you. He's a rather portly gentleman with unkempt hair & a hamburglerian odour. his massive belly peeks out from below his stained t-shirt, hanging down over the wasteband of his sweatingpants* "Babe sshhh you need to just relax, come to my room, I have car films. vroom vrooom. vin diseal. remember how much fun we had last decade? vroom vroom. cars, lights, jokes, laughs *You* I want to go home *Univeral* cartoons. memes. humourous pictures.
  19. Gyms have been closed for five months, gains have goin into hibernation
  20. ironically unironically liking fast & the furious movies and similar "grassroots" displays of corporate poptimism should have been left in the 2010s along with most of the other cultural artifacts of that era
  21. i've been cockblocked by aphex twin tracks on at least two occasions a documentary about the furry subculture with an idm soundtrack would be pretty good tho ngl. it'd be like the movie pi in every way except instead of eating pie they'd be porkin in mascot costumes
  22. https://archive.org/details/171trx/in+the+season+of+illusions.mp3 i like it when the track just kind of comes together without any effort. did this laying in bed one moring in early summer 2017, took like 25 minutes on my netbook all told. sun was coming up in the parking lot outside my window. second floor, rented out what was supposed to be the laundry room in a large apartment for $275 a month. felt like my life wasn't going anywhere but also no longer felt like it had anywhere it was supposed to go
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