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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Well yes, lovely. Damn right techno is exciting right now, loads of experimentation and variety
  2. Brexit has become a meme, similar to waiting for Half Life 3 or a new BOC album. Except its not funny ?
  3. This is awesome, wish there was more of the actual gig but nice to hear him talk about it.
  4. No don't think there is a dedicated thread, and it is very underused at present. A shame really because the new pop up thing works quite well
  5. Damn yes. Was listening back to the Rrose EPs last week and wondered when the next new one would be out. An album is even better news
  6. Don't have Netflix so will watch as soon as i am able elsewhere. Also have fond memories as a kid so looking forward to watching, trailer makes it looks good (that's its job lol) I guess this will pave the way for the Labyrinth sequel
  7. This was great, thank you for sharing. You should definitely (maybe) high five him in the street
  8. https://raxil4.bandcamp.com/ RAXIL4 makes some excellent drones (among other things) and can often be found performing in London at galleries / museums / events / etc
  9. I have an unfinished drone album called TADPOLE DRONES which I may finish soon. 4 tracks total, will be about 35-40 minutes long. Its one of the many unfinished things I am sitting on.
  10. Yeah, there doesn't seem to be any agreed duration of prorogation. It seems he just plucked the idea of 5 weeks out of his hair. Quick googling suggests the last 5 week prorogation was when the 2nd world war ended!
  11. I was thinking through this the other day. If Corbyn and his team had agreed to support Theresa May's deal when she agreed to step down, we would have left the EU by now with the deal. There could have already been a general election (or one just about to happen) and Corbyn *could* be in power.
  12. Parliament gets suspended every year, its nothing new. There may be some protests but I don't believe we will go "french" and fuck shit up. Its just the timing of it this year, the remain camp arguing that parliament should sit so that they can have another go at calling it all off... They've had 3.5 years to sort this out and to be honest i'm just fed up of hearing about it. If suspending parliament allows a deal of some sort to go through then its probably the best (and last) shot we have, otherwise it is no deal.
  13. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    Had an elseq session this morning as it goes, really digging it after overexposing myself to NTS recently.
  14. And I don't want to buy another copy of Twin Peaks, ive already got the gold box DVD as well as the Blu Ray sets. Very keen on getting hold of just the extras though.
  15. Thank you watmm dank thread. My monthly visit was hench this time around!
  16. I enjoyed that. I managed to scroll and click via my phone after a few minutes of tweakin' More watmm tests of endurance / skill please!
  17. Mainly GAS issues. I do not have a reverb pedal and I just think sometimes I should have one. Have added reverb in post-production sometimes but since I am attempting to become a self sufficient live performance unit, a pedal should be good. Why stereo? Well, I mainly want to end up at stereo on my mixer so I can create some hard panning effects. I know I can do it with a y-splitter but if im buying a reverb pedal then its 2 birds with 1 stone. Just found this in the August sale on Reverb - https://reverb.com/uk/item/6766228-jptr-fx-kaleidoscope-reverb-multi-reflector-unit Looks like a tasty weird reverb that would suit me nicely. Thanks for the other recommendations, will check them out
  18. Im looking for a stereo reverb pedal. So far I have found the Digitech Polara (cheaper) and the Keeley Caverns v2 (not so cheap but dual reverb and delay), both looking hot. Anyone got the Earthquaker Afterneath? Looks a bit different in terms of the sounds it can offer. Not stereo but not the end of the world. I have a stereo flanger pedal that I can set to being very subtle that gives nice stereo room effects.
  19. So I can record from my soundblaster to my crappy laptop via the USB, but it won't let me listen to what is being recorded at the same time! Think I need to stick my mixer into the chain and monitor through that. Which means going back out to the garage to get it and I can't be bothered.
  20. ^ Apparently its and "old" document from the May era. So it may be a few months old.... Im sure they have come up with some alternatives by now though.
  21. Absolute Ibiza chill house classic Beth has such a beautiful voice
  22. Well only in that now I have quoted you, I cannot see a quick link button that allows me to paste an image into this thread. Sometimes simply pasting the URL does not return an image We are all but humans, apart from some
  23. It is a genre without constraints, conformities or boundaries. Noise can be whatever the fuck it wants to be and if you do not like it well then listen to something else. I am consistently amazed by the variety of sounds within the experimental / diy / noise / electronic worlds, without the need of sticking to a bpm, time signature or pre-determined song structure. But don't get me wrong - I love techno. I well constructed 140bpm 4/4 slamming techno set can slay me. But so can a weird collection of atonal bleeps of intermittent tempo and volume, layered over HNW for 2 hours. Sometimes....
  24. Well yes, unless there are obvious offensive posts in the threads then it seems bizarre that the entire thread is deleted. Perhaps just delete the bad posts, reprimand the offenders and keep the thread active? Especially music discussion threads about scene stalwarts Beatwife and Monolith which I guess is the actual point of this forum. Edit: unless of course Beatwife / Monolith requested that the thread was deleted, but that seems unlikely.
  25. Yeah I used to read the comics, can't remember how far I got though as it was a while back. They've not really done Assface proud although his origin episode was pretty hard hitting and well done.
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