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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. Dark Ambition raspberry milk stout for Valentines day...
  2. But of a shit pic due to low light, but had another Matador Burger. Really really fucking nice. Hit the spot.
  3. BCM


    Cheers for listening and the feedback :) This was just a little track using only Fruity Loops and the supplied soft synths, didn't spend too much time refining and finishing off. I might export it track by track, stick it in Logic and beef it up a bit with some hardware synth and drum additions and maybe a bit of the old BCM dooty doot acid. But not sure if I can be arsed. I kinda like the simplicity of it, just letting it run and not messing about too much or adding any flourishes.
  4. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Lol yeah I did see that... Shit is going to be wild. Britain will turn into an Escape From New York style post apocalyptic 80s hellhole. I'm going to get myself some fingerless leather gloves and a bat with nails in it. And some futuristic as fuck sunglasses.
  5. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Not heard anything here to suggest anything other than the status quo (i.e. nobody has a clue about anything, no agreed plan etc). Only thing that's been in the media in the UK is that Corbyn might be gearing up to support May's plan, but it's all speculation thus far. I'm hoping that the whole thing will eventually be cancelled as you know, but if we have to leave, I'd much rather see any kind of deal than a no deal situation.
  6. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Yes, admittedly that might be an issue for any extension but there have been agreeable noises from the EU on extending Article 50 so I don't think they see it as an insurmountable problem - it's much preferable to all than a no deal scenario.
  7. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Is it fuck. Whole thing is completely untenable, always has been. My prediction is extention of Article 50 for 9 months, then inevitable second vote at some point.
  8. Awesome, will be purchasing :)
  9. Ok what about: Ryan Reynolds as Peter Venkman-esque sarcastic guy. Seth Rogen as slightly chubby Ray Stanz-esque geeky dude. Sacha Baron-Cohen as Egon Spengler-esque ultra clever deadpan nerd (not sure he's the right fit for such an underplayed role to be fair, but maybe, just maybe) Not sure what to do about Winston Zeddemore without it being racist.
  10. Even Ramis. Sure they can get him in there somehow.
  11. Fuck that shit. Fucking teenagers. Original cast or nothing.
  12. Peter Venkman: "Where the hell are you from anyway?" Janosz Poha: "The upper vest side."
  13. Also the dude who played Vigo the Carpathian was apparently a real life evil fuck: https://news.avclub.com/read-this-ghostbusters-ii-s-vigo-the-carpathian-was-a-1798285886
  14. Ghostbusters 2 has some quality moments. Peter Venkman's World of the Psychic and Bassmasters security guard dude are my favourites.
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