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Aleksi Perälä - Midnight Sun


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4 hours ago, zazen said:

@chenGOD Yeah sorry about it being Spotify, its the only practical way I can think of to share playlists. I'm open to suggestions. Is there a playlist format thats shareable? I wish you could make playlists on Bandcamp.

Aleksi gets a lot of discussion in 'New and Upcoming releases' threads but I thought we could do with a thread on the 'music' forum for general AP chat. So have started one here, including a 3 hour Midnight Sun Highlights playlist:


(and I spent a while stitching together all the Midnight Sun covers not realising @cear had done it already)

Hey man - sorry for sounding harsh. just spotify (streaming in general but spotify especially) has really devalued music. I'm guilty as well, I use Apple Music and Soundcloud. Your mention of playlists on Bandcamp made me curious - and when I was poking around there I noticed that my profile has 777 views (lucky Autechre number!) and 37 plays. Which is interesting - are people playing shit from my page? Or is that me?

Anyways - maybe the devs at bandcamp can figure out a way to create playlists or something, that could be user created but only from music they own, and it could have like one or two streams per registered user? I don't know, just spitballing.

Thanks for creating the topic!


Edit - it seems you can already create playlists - but only in the app.



Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 11.12.58 PM.png


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