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the effect of LSD

Guest dryryzer

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Guest dryryzer

Just wondering how much people think LSD has influenced boards of canadas music.


They say themselves that songs like nlogax are designed to start dysfunctioning near the end to resemble the nature of hallucinogens, and they have also made albums called acid memories etc etc


What do you think?

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Guest Music is Boc
Just wondering how much people think LSD has influenced boards of canadas music.


They say themselves that songs like nlogax are designed to start dysfunctioning near the end to resemble the nature of hallucinogens, and they have also made albums called acid memories etc etc


What do you think?


I think Happy Cycling...


Albert Hoffmann, on 1943 he took LSD mounted on a bike... yes

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Well, they're not the only one...here's a list of happy LSD user's...:


Ernst Jünger...as a friend of Albert Hoffmann, Steve Jobs (maybe he still takes it when pricing his products), Allen Ginsberg (certainly an idol for BOC), The Beach Boys, Richard Branson, Anais Nin, Ken Kesey, Cary Grant, and of course...The Beatles...!!!

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LSD always influences you. wheter you are a musician or a it monkey. so it's highly likely they've done acid, so it has influenced them.


OMG azatoth. That is the coolest avatar EVER!

That evil Bert. What will he do next?

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