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Guest The Vidiot

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finished anathem, which was fucking great. started david mitchell's cloud atlas, which is interesting. i like the way the first part ended mid-sentence.


Man, I loved Anathem. I read it about a year ago and I'm getting the urge to re-read now.


edit: Fraa Jad is totally Enoch Root lawl.

Edited by baph
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finished anathem, which was fucking great. started david mitchell's cloud atlas, which is interesting. i like the way the first part ended mid-sentence.


Man, I loved Anathem. I read it about a year ago and I'm getting the urge to re-read now.


edit: Fraa Jad is totally Enoch Root lawl.


i thought the same!


stephenson is such a fucking nerd, i love the fact that enoch is 'root'. damn, i think i wanna reread cryptonomicon. and i never finished quicksilver. you heard the cd that accompanies anathem? some of the weirdest music i've heard in a while.

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The Shining - Slow start... REALLY slow start... I hope things get better soon because so far it has taken me about a month to read around 50 pages


I now officially hate Stephen King, the only thing scary about him is the possibility of more his novels being turned into horrible films (The Mist and The Shining excluded)

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Guest ruiagnelo

The Shining - Slow start... REALLY slow start... I hope things get better soon because so far it has taken me about a month to read around 50 pages


I now officially hate Stephen King, the only thing scary about him is the possibility of more his novels being turned into horrible films (The Mist and The Shining excluded)


I haven't read the books, but watched both movies.

The Mist is horrible. The shining is a masterpiece in film making, in my opinion.

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finished anathem, which was fucking great. started david mitchell's cloud atlas, which is interesting. i like the way the first part ended mid-sentence.


Man, I loved Anathem. I read it about a year ago and I'm getting the urge to re-read now.


edit: Fraa Jad is totally Enoch Root lawl.


i thought the same!


stephenson is such a fucking nerd, i love the fact that enoch is 'root'. damn, i think i wanna reread cryptonomicon. and i never finished quicksilver. you heard the cd that accompanies anathem? some of the weirdest music i've heard in a while.


Haha, yeah. . . I'm debating on just going back and reading the Baroque Cycle --> Cryptonomicon--> Anathem (narrative-chronological order, I guess), but that's a pretty extensive time commitment. I liked the Baroque Cycle quite a bit, but Quicksilver itself was a bit of a tough slog. If the whole of the Baroque Cycle is one Stephenson novel (which is basically the case), Quicksilver is really just the lengthy world-building intro, and the Confusion is where the plot starts veering off in unexpected and interesting directions (it's aptly named as a volume, I guess).


I need to check out the Anathem music; I heard a few samples when they were posted to his website, and it definitely sparked my interest.

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ok, The Shining is the only legitimately great King-based film but I enjoyed the Mist more than most horror films....


The TV version of the Stand is one of the worst things you could ever watch, worse than Troll 2 imo, making it inadvertently hilarious....


Pet Sematary is just a terrible story....but another comedic winner on film!

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Haha, yeah. . . I'm debating on just going back and reading the Baroque Cycle --> Cryptonomicon--> Anathem (narrative-chronological order, I guess)


actually, wait wait wait.



one of the four cosmi that the avout encounter is earth, more or less - the laterrans. they talk about godel and speak french and in a bit i nearly pissed myself laughing reading, raz talks about the laterran who infiltrated the convox 'talking about cheese for ten minutes'


when they get launched into space in a rather slapdash manner. so jad wouldn't be root, but rather a root from an alternate narrative, or else it reinforces his hints that root possesses the ability to move beween narratives. actually

:facepalm: hurr durrr



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I haven't read the books, but watched both movies.

The Mist is horrible. The shining is a masterpiece in film making, in my opinion.



You saw the color or the black&white version of The Mist? The B&W makes it really awesome.

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Haha, yeah. . . I'm debating on just going back and reading the Baroque Cycle --> Cryptonomicon--> Anathem (narrative-chronological order, I guess)


actually, wait wait wait.



one of the four cosmi that the avout encounter is earth, more or less - the laterrans. they talk about godel and speak french and in a bit i nearly pissed myself laughing reading, raz talks about the laterran who infiltrated the convox 'talking about cheese for ten minutes'


when they get launched into space in a rather slapdash manner. so jad wouldn't be root, but rather a root from an alternate narrative, or else it reinforces his hints that root possesses the ability to move beween narratives. actually

:facepalm: hurr durrr




lol. I'm with you.

I should have said Root is a laterran/antarct Jed analogue, if not an actual alternate. Or maybe, rather, the Societas Eruditorium is a Thousander analogue, in some stage of development. There was a moment that I thought the text highlighted/made the connection, if vaguely, but I'd need to re-read Anathem to find it; could have been some post-reading unconscious dream fill-in anyway. Because I want it to be the case so much!


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Haha, yeah. . . I'm debating on just going back and reading the Baroque Cycle --> Cryptonomicon--> Anathem (narrative-chronological order, I guess)


actually, wait wait wait.



one of the four cosmi that the avout encounter is earth, more or less - the laterrans. they talk about godel and speak french and in a bit i nearly pissed myself laughing reading, raz talks about the laterran who infiltrated the convox 'talking about cheese for ten minutes'


when they get launched into space in a rather slapdash manner. so jad wouldn't be root, but rather a root from an alternate narrative, or else it reinforces his hints that root possesses the ability to move beween narratives. actually

:facepalm: hurr durrr




lol. I'm with you.

I should have said Root is a laterran/antarct Jed analogue, if not an actual alternate. Or maybe, rather, the Societas Eruditorium is a Thousander analogue, in some stage of development. There was a moment that I thought the text highlighted/made the connection, if vaguely, but I'd need to re-read Anathem to find it; could have been some post-reading unconscious dream fill-in anyway. Because I want it to be the case so much!



the more i think about it the more i reckon the connection's there. and that mightn't even be conscious on neal's part - he tends to use these archetypical characters, always has - and i reckon root is just a small bit mary sue as well. we need another half-chapter tangent on the ideal preparation of cap'n crunch in his next book, i think. or another algorithm for arrangin inherited furniture as a 2-d scatter graph in your yard. neal stephenson.


this is a very underrated book.

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I'm in the middle of re-reading Foucault's Pendulum and it's fun!

i saw this post and was immediately intrigued, thinking "shit a michele foucault book i've never seen or heard of", yet it turns out to be a book about another foucault i've just never heard of! nonetheless i was left just as intrigued after reading the plot summary of pendulum as i was upon being mistaken of the works original author lolz.


EDIT: i'm not sure how i've never heard of this book now... it seems very popular, lots of info on it.

Edited by impotentwhitecapitalist
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I'm in the middle of re-reading Foucault's Pendulum and it's fun!

i saw this post and was immediately intrigued, thinking "shit a michele foucault book i've never seen or heard of", yet it turns out to be a book about another foucault i've just never heard of! nonetheless i was left just as intrigued after reading the plot summary of pendulum as i was upon being mistaken of the works original author lolz.


EDIT: i'm not sure how i've never heard of this book now... it seems very popular, lots of info on it.


The best part is once you've read it you're legally entitled to throw a hardcover version at people's heads when they mention that they think the Da Vinci Code is either well-written or well-researched. Since that happens frequently, you get a lot of no-liability battery opportunities.

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I'm in the middle of re-reading Foucault's Pendulum and it's fun!

i saw this post and was immediately intrigued, thinking "shit a michele foucault book i've never seen or heard of", yet it turns out to be a book about another foucault i've just never heard of! nonetheless i was left just as intrigued after reading the plot summary of pendulum as i was upon being mistaken of the works original author lolz.


EDIT: i'm not sure how i've never heard of this book now... it seems very popular, lots of info on it.


The best part is once you've read it you're legally entitled to throw a hardcover version at people's heads when they mention that they think the Da Vinci Code is either well-written or well-researched. Since that happens frequently, you get a lot of no-liability battery opportunities.


it's also the more academic, less discordian cousin of illuminatus!

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