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Guest The Vidiot

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For a long part of my life (basically from college till...this year) I hardly read. It's quite pathetic really but I was always so focused on music and doing things, books didn't interest me. Now I've gotten in the habit of it and I'm enjoying it. It's tough figuring out what to pick up next sometimes, since I never paid much attention to authors and books in general. I should read through this thread to get some ideas.


Right now I'm almost done with Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut.

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Finishing Joseph Heller's Closing Time.

He really never did live up to Catch 22. His writing became darker and intensely repetitive later, which I partly enjoyed, partly felt frustrated. Something Happened was an interesting book because it was third funny third interesting third hateful.


Also have bought Ulysses, so I'm getting ready for that.


Ok so have any of you gone to a book club? It is a weird experience if you like books.

The book club I've gone to is mainly made up of literature students who have no interest in reading literature.


They basically want to drink coffee and eat food and talk about television shows

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Just finished a short Lovecraft horror collection and now I'm 2/3 through Chimera by Barth. So far it's good (if you like his style), but I'm finding the third section (Bellerophoniad) to be slow going compared to the first half.


I recently finished Cities of the Red Night by William Burroughs. The book was enjoyable even though I could not follow the storyline(s) during a few parts.


I think that means you're doing it wrong right.

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Today: 2 chapters from Nisa: Life and Words of a !Kung Woman

1 chapter from Mirror For Humanity

1 chapter from Ten Questions: A Sociological Perspective

half a chapter from International Relations

and this bloody article that's like 15 pages long titled Hyphenating the Hybrid: (re)visions of Racial Mixedness in fred Wah's Diamond Grill.


An I'm posting on WATMM.


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Guest Coalbucket PI

just finished (or decided to stop reading the appendices of) House Of Leaves. was enjoyable but also a bit shit sometimes

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I actually had a dream last night that I had a copy of House of Leaves again. In real life, someone borrowed my copy and never gave it back about 4 or 5 years ago. Enjoyable novel. If you're interested in similar concepts/tones without the extraneous bullshit, I recommend you give Borges, Calvino or even Kafka a try.

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Guest Malabar

oryx and crake (so far i really don't like this)

ted hughes letters

brian eno biography

book on peter greenaway films

spinoza's ethics (ARGH!)


Yes, Spinoza's Ethics is difficult. Which Eno biography are you reading?

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A reader in it's current form has no future, just check how think a macbook air is.



But it'll happen, in 10 years they will be everywhere. I'm slowly getting myself a real book collection of what I want to read for the future so that in 50 years I can read my own books in peace instead of searching where to buy them.



That doesn't mean I'm against those readers, I just think it's stupid at the moment. The tech is useless for at least the next 10 years. Once there are REAL readers, real tablets, small, practical, not those greyscale-screen low-res atrocities, everybody will adopt them like we are adopting laptops at this moment. But it won't be for books, it'll be more than that (web, digital media, movies, music, books, magazines, apps, etc...)

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Guest Malabar

A reader in it's current form has no future, just check how think a macbook air is.



But it'll happen, in 10 years they will be everywhere. I'm slowly getting myself a real book collection of what I want to read for the future so that in 50 years I can read my own books in peace instead of searching where to buy them.



That doesn't mean I'm against those readers, I just think it's stupid at the moment. The tech is useless for at least the next 10 years. Once there are REAL readers, real tablets, small, practical, not those greyscale-screen low-res atrocities, everybody will adopt them like we are adopting laptops at this moment. But it won't be for books, it'll be more than that (web, digital media, movies, music, books, magazines, apps, etc...)


Interesting. I think they'll become very popular as you say, but with little effect on standard books. There's something about the book, the touch, the smell, a pretty cover, that people will want to hang on to.


How big is your collection so far? What are trying to get hold of, if you don't mind me asking?

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