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Autechre in SF on Sat


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I'm sure Ghostbusters III will be there. Yegg I think ran away with her lover/brother and moved to Boston.


A little more than two weeks until the Washington gig.

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no SF for me but LA anyone? i bought a ticket, no guarentee i'm getting in though cause i don't have a license or ID. i got and old license that's invalid but it still proves i'm 18. if they can't look at my balding ass head and see that, then they've got bigger problems then turning me away.

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Anyone going? I know there's an SF watmmassive. Catsonearth is SF, no? Yegg?

r im going with my posse. shall we wear identifying clothing so we can be super fag and buttfuck at show


edit: translation:i want to meet the mysterious lumpenrol

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(now i dont have an electronic music beard like in this pic)




(minus the nappy bleached hair, i dont have hair as long as this now but its not short and is the color in the pic at the top)




no way is that really you? it looks like a corporate photo from the corbis.com library

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the show is @ the mezzanine. doors open at 9. there are 2 other acts in addition to autechre (rob hall/massonix).

anyone have any idea when this show will end? i'm curious if i will be able to make the bart afterwards. is rob hall doing a full set or just dj'ing before & after the other acts? anyone who've seen them on this tour know how long the shows tend to go (including all 3 acts)? thanks.

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Yeah, tonight will be a good opportunity to have a decent recording from their 2008 live set.

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Unfortunately, I don't have any recording equip, nor does my current cell phone work in the States. Anyone want to PM me their cell no.? I will be going with a friend who has a phone.

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generally speaking what is the Mezanine's policy with in and out's? Do they allow weed smoking inside? I probably shouldbt bring in my recorder at the beginning, maybe if i can sneak away to my car and bring it in.

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Haha, yes what are the weed smoking policies?? "Excuse me bouncer, shall I bust a blunt inside or out?"


lol, some clubs are quite lax on weed smoking inside once the show starts but at the same heavily search when you come in initially. If there are ins and outs i may be able to sneak in a recorder and maybe an extra spliff. My recorder is pretty big and i doubt they wouldn't find it if i tried to sneak it in the first time around. So i guess my question is does Mezzanine have in and outs?

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my recollection is there are no ins and outs.


iirc when i saw squarepusher there i left just after his set was over and the bouncer person made sure i didnt want back in; of course this was like 3 or 4 years ago now so things may have changed.

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I shall be there...


...with my lady, so lets keep the creepiness factor down shall we?


I'll probably be sitting somewhere most of the evening, since I'm kind of sick and recovering (some non-contagious bronchial thingy)


here is a picture of me with some birds. I shaved the beard, but there is some good stubble now. I'll probably be wearing a hat. I'm 6'5. I won't have the birds with me (:sad:)



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lol @ birds....


So I have a pretty good idea what kcinsu and gb3 look like now...btw I bought a new cell today, my no. is 510.502.8179. Heading out now, hope I can meet some of you there...

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