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Guest boo

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fuckin A -- I have a Civil War general beard going now, but I lack the straight hair to pull back and the aqualine nose to give me that properly Nordic look you so effortlessly accomplish!

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Guest ezkerraldean

i'm growing a proper beard over the next few months. not seeing my girlfriend until christmas so she can't complain innit. considering letting my hair grow too. hopefully i'll have a jewfro and peyots by the start of december

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch





naked guy naked guy naked guy naked guy


with an odd shaped boner under a towel



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As do you, although I am partial to benzos. Newcastle is the bee's knees though. Double Vodka tonic with a bit o lime.... yeah. lets do it snafu.


let the Drinking Commence!


i like an Arrogant bastard myself really to be honest in my honest opinion.




got bored and took some pics of meself for me girlfriend




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naked guy naked guy naked guy naked guy


with an odd shaped boner under a towel




my alcoholic roommate has to walk around 24/7 with a towel over his elephant sized penis. I eel sorry for him as it doesn't seem fun to lug around, and he's still a virgin.

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fuckin A -- I have a Civil War general beard going now, but I lack the straight hair to pull back and the aqualine nose to give me that properly Nordic look you so effortlessly accomplish!

i've seen some pictures, but yours is impressive. i was in awe. i think i was out at some "regal" get together, hence the collar and tied back hair. no one expected that from me. the beard looks about the same now though. and the ladyfriend embraces the beard. she would be fine with a slight trim but not a shave. and she is just as fine with me letting it grow throughout the 8 months of winter i'm about to face.


and the Nordic thing is kind of strange. I get it all the time. That or jesus, which is funny. But i've got russian ancestry and i guess the vikings spent a bit of time in and out of that area, "the Rus" and all. Vikings are awesome.

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Guest abusivegeorge

What did you do to your arm man?


And aww you look so lonely, I just want to run up to you and huggle you and tell you everything is going to be alright.

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