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Battlestar Season 4.5


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thought they should have flown over the moon to earth, cut to 150,000 years later, and get rid of all the expository nonsense in Africa. wtf


really liked the finale up to that point though.


but moore seriously dropped the ball. should have had some help fleshing that last half hour out a little better.





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right after i started Season 2 of battlestar i got a little tired of the whole secret cylon angle and all these unresolved things that they just kept hanging over my head. So i go online to spoil some of it for myself and low and behold right before the SERIES FINALE the exact same unresolved issues and questions i had from Season 1 were the ones people were still waiting to be resolved in the finale.

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anyway this show is kind of embarrassing, now, if it wasn't before


I should go back and find where I predicted precisely this, not that you in particular disagreed with me, but I just knew the show would end up being cringe-inducing.


it's weird, i went from hating this show to liking it and now back to hating it. but the early seasons, maybe the first plus the first half of the second, were very good. it's like a completely different show now.


haha my feelings exactly.

something in the writers minds clicked at the mid point of 2 when they realized 'oh shit if we just keep draggin g along all these things for infinite and keep building suspense & tension for utterly no reason but to get people to see the next weeks episode, we can milk the shit out of this thing'


i think they really trapped themselves by making every episode part of a continuing saga. I think i would have preferred if the show like Star Trek Voyager (not a good show by any means, but conceptually i think it succeeded where battlestar failed) where only some episodes are about the ship finding a new earth and others are completely stand alone stories taking place within the BS universe.


For me i became a lot less interested in the overall goal of the show and where it was going than i was just enthralled with some of the characters and the aesthetics of the ship, the retro scifi vibe it had. all that appealed to me for a time, but that time has run out

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good finale, until they started to show what happened on earth. it just seemed to disjointed. they could have explained what happened to the main characters in a better fashion and quicker. the right place to end it should have been when adama was sitting by the grave. if not then it could have ended when they zoomed in the tv of the dancing robot. the whole robot montage was unnecessary.

otherwise i enjoyed this show. now just need to wait for the last movie.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

i enjoyed it.


looking past the rough edges, cringe worthy moments and god has a plan for us all, it was nice to see how it explained the 'it has happened before and it will happen again' by a cycle of unity -> division -> war -> unity.


lee's slightly cringe worthy speech about technology surpassing the soul fitted into that quite well: needing to work on the soul before technology advances to the level where it can really fuck everyone.


i was annoyed at the starbucks thing though. and the pigeon.... it'd be nice if the film explains some of that. the rest of the inconsistencies i can live with. i'm just assuming ron wanted to get the unity division war unity thing across.

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i am under the impression that there was some cuts made to the finale and the complete episode will be on the DVD along with probably other episodes that seemed a little roughly cut this second part of the season.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

actually what hate the most about this show is the religious aspect. i know it's expected as he's a mormon. but it still annoys me he's mixed something i love, sci-fi, with something i really dislike, religion, and kids will grow up being affected by this juxtaposition. :angryface:

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Guest catsonearth

i was with them until the final jump to earth. after that...i don't know. i can see how it could have worked, but it just didn't. too many things just didn't make sense because they were glossed over. like, why would you all spread out over the planet to ensure survival? i'm not really getting that. after all you've lost, when you finally get to the place you've been looking for all this time you just part ways like all you did was share a bus together? lee just lets his dad leave him forever? why? maybe if we'd spent more time on earth, like a few episodes, they could have made it flow a little better so it wasn't just like "ok, we're here...oh wow, look at the time, it's been fun guys, but i've got someplace to be". i would have honestly rather spent the last few episodes on earth and just have an anticlimactic ending without any space battle. at least that might have resolved a few things and given things the chance to play out naturally.


i can live with the story choice although i could have thought of some better options if it were my show, but i wasn't feeling they way it was delivered. like i said, i was with them right up until starbuck made the final jump.


i can't imagine there was a ton of stuff that got cut because the episode was 3 hours and 11 mins, but it still seemed like a lot was missing. some parts were really disjointed and felt heavily chopped. most of all, they didn't give any answers to the things we were promised would be answered. like the opera house. we still don't know what the fuck the opera house is/was. was it from a past life? why an opera house? what did it have to do with CIC? and what was the "truth" of the opera house that roslin would supposedly know?


i could also live with the ambiguity of what starbuck was and who/what god is if only it were handled a little better. she disappears and that's it?


this show really needed another season before it ended. they rushed and tried to force an ending when really, a lot of these things needed more time to play out in order to work. when you rush through shit, it always turns out cheesy and that's something the show has been able to overcome all throughout it's run...dunno if they succeeded this time. sad that it had to happen like that, but i guess it's better than the show getting canceled before they had a chance to end it.


i'm going to give it awhile and then go back and watch all the episodes together and see if i still feel the same because my expectations were not what i ended up getting. i mean, a lot of what i thought would happen did happen, but it was glossed over and didn't quite resonate the way it could have. but then again, i hate a lot of things on first viewing that i end up liking later, so who knows. maybe i just had my defenses up. still, i didn't hate the ending and it wasn't bad enough to bring down the quality of the rest of the show, but my high mark for television is still "exodus pt. 2" and it definitely wasn't better than that. maybe they should have brought that director on to do the finale instead of michael "queen of the damned" rymer. never really liked his episodes very much.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

if they had all stayed in one place without technology, and that one place ended up killing them, the entire human race (minus the natives) would cease to exist.

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i would totally watch a new Battlestar show that had more single episode stories. its very very hard for me to get into any new show where to understand anything about the current episode you have to watch the previous episodes & have a personal investment in finding out what happens next. Often times i just don't care what happens next but i just want to watch a good hour of TV.

oddly almost every new show is like this

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i'm going to give it awhile and then go back and watch all the episodes together and see if i still feel the same because my expectations were not what i ended up getting. i mean, a lot of what i thought would happen did happen, but it was glossed over and didn't quite resonate the way it could have. but then again, i hate a lot of things on first viewing that i end up liking later, so who knows. maybe i just had my defenses up. still, i didn't hate the ending and it wasn't bad enough to bring down the quality of the rest of the show, but my high mark for television is still "exodus pt. 2" and it definitely wasn't better than that. maybe they should have brought that director on to do the finale instead of michael "queen of the damned" rymer. never really liked his episodes very much.


i will be waiting for the DVD release of the whole 4th season before i'll watch it again. some episodes are bound the be longer, including the finale. it will probably work better when watched together than a week a part.

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yeah kinda meh but also satisfactory enough, but OMG THE PIGEON SCENE NOW TOTALLY MAKES SENSE!!!


I enjoyed the ride.


what's the movie gonna be about now cats?

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hate if you will, but i thought it was the best finale since Six Feet Under. Baltar & Caprica Six becoming Adam & Eve was classic, Starbuck will always be the mystery of the show people will debate forever. the very end threw me for a loop however, i was expecting it to end in the 1960s, hence the Dylan/Hendrix tune to tie it all together. did the homeless man have some significance i missed?

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Guest glasse

i thought it was pretty good. there were some things that didn't sit as well as others, but overall i thought it wrapped everything up well. it seemed like they were going for a resurrection thing with starbuck, like it was still her but in her "heavenly form". i don't think it was like an angel posing as her or something, it was certainly still her. the whole higher destiny and prophecy element was mostly ok with me though, it just added another layer to the story and they were never that preachy or anything with it.


i knew about the mormon thing already so i wasn't really surprised. this is pretty interesting to read. keep in mind it is based more on the original series.

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i stopped watching the show somewhere in the 3rd season because I could no longer stand the starbuck character/actress. now that it is over i suppose i will try to sit through the rest of it.

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