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hipsters and nerds

Guest zaphod

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Guest zaphod

so now that it's cool to be a nerd and waiflike nerd guys seem to get extremely hot girls i can no longer figure out where nerds end and hipsters begin. they both have fixations with all things adolescent and empty, they both essentially collect and digest various types of information, hipster music is at its essence not even remotely cool or sexy or anything...has this always been the case?

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Guest Wall Bird

I've never had the impression that being a nerd means being adolescent or empty. Define nerd and then define hipster for us and then we can get some discussion going.


Also, what is the essence of hipster music and how does it differ from any other popular music of an era? I guess what I'm trying to find out is, what makes it inherently bad. Surely there can be quality music that would be considered to be hipster.

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nerds are, in my experience, much more enjoyable to talk to. hipsters represent some nerd culture whereas nerds fucking live it. if they like lightning bolt they'll fucking tell you everything about lightning bolt, right down to any sort of "night/heat" issue. hipsters will list a couple of better known tracks, take a hit of their cigarette and down a sip of their pabst blue ribbon.

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I always thought hipsters were people that jumped on the bandwagon whenever a new trend came along. They're not interested in whatever they've just adapted, just the fact that it makes them look cool. Mostly I think the word is misused by people that feel threatened and prematurely old by anything new or different from what they grew up with. Reminds me of my parents bitching about what I wore when I was a teen.

I have a friend that calls everything that isn't Coldplay or The Killers, hipster shit. Yet, in the same breath, he'll bitch about how shitty everything on the radio is and call me a hipster because I actively search for music that suites my tastes and don't consider mid-90's grunge the high point in musical expression.

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Guest Wall Bird

Mmhm, I've always had an image of nerds as being highly passionate people who are generally pretty talented at a specific thing as a result. I suppose to a lesser degree the term "geek" may also be synonymous.


I imagine a lot of the distaste for so-called hipsters comes from the fact that, as in any popular social trend, you get a good percentage of people who have hopped on the bandwagon for insincere, and possibly insecure, reasons. This distaste for what could be perceived as shallow people may taint the reputation of those who came across the style in a more naturally-motivated manner. It seems likely that one reason people have a negative reaction to hipsters is their ubiquitous nature and overexposure to such trends.

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hipsters are just ignorant, egoistic narcists. Boosting the cool factor with feminine bursts of drama, exagerrating at telling how cool they are...nah...actually they want to be like punk, but they have too much money. nah... actually they think they are being society rebels but they have been buying themselves all this "individuality" and "rebelion"... The problem is they think they are different, new, hip and all that, but actually they are all the same.


wait...actually they are just a niche for others making money.


how hip is that?

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nerds/geeks generally don't care about fashion or what they wear. this often leads to very bad fashion and hair choices that they don't intentionally choose. they think they're dressing normally but can't help but not look like total nerds.


hipsters DO care about fashion and how they look. they decide to dress "alt" to be cool/outsider because everything 'mainstream' is lame. by 'ironically' dressing like a nerd/geek they can easily seek out and find other hipsters to listen to animal collective with.


the line has gotten very blurry but you still can tell who's authentic and who is just doing it because it's the latest trend. good luck

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Guest catsonearth
nerds/geeks generally don't care about fashion or what they wear. this often leads to very bad fashion and hair choices that they don't intentionally choose. they think they're dressing normally but can't help but not look like total nerds.


i don't know if that's true. there are some nerds that care about fashion. it may not be popular fashion, but there are plenty of nerds that care a lot about what they wear because they want to keep some old, dated style alive. there are nerds that dress like they're out of a steampunk novel because they're just total steampunk nerds. vampire nerds. tons of shit. and there are also people who nerd out about fashion and can tell you everything karl lagerfeld has ever done. nerd is a state of mind or a personality type, not necessarily a style or look. nerds can look like anything, but then when you start talking to them you just know, "this guys a fucking nerd!"


not saying that's a bad thing either. nerds are some of the best people, honestly.



hipsters that ironically adapt nerdisms is some annoying bullshit though. if you haven't been mocked your whole life, you just don't have the cred, sorry. i had to wear thick ugly glasses when i was a kid and people like that were the ones making fun of my ass because i wasn't sporting thin wire frames. now they're trying to rock that shit? that's bullshit. and like i said, being a nerd is a personality type and if you don't have it, you just don't have it. some people don't obsess about shit and feel the need to completely immerse themselves in their interests, but nerds do. you can't fake that, so in the end you're just superficially re appropriating what you think is under the surface. that's some straight up bullshit.

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Guest Mr Salads

yeah i guess if you have to distill it, hipsters arent the genuine article. but nerdsters are! you will only be able to tell if you talk to them, which is generally not recommended. then there's that gray area, where theyre hipsternerds. no idea about those

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hipsters that ironically adapt nerdisms is some annoying bullshit though. if you haven't been mocked your whole life, you just don't have the cred, sorry. i had to wear thick ugly glasses when i was a kid and people like that were the ones making fun of my ass because i wasn't sporting thin wire frames. now they're trying to rock that shit? that's bullshit. and like i said, being a nerd is a personality type and if you don't have it, you just don't have it. some people don't obsess about shit and feel the need to completely immerse themselves in their interests, but nerds do. you can't fake that, so in the end you're just superficially re appropriating what you think is under the surface. that's some straight up bullshit.

well said. it's like someone decided to put a baseball cap, leather jacket, tight jeans and nerdy glasses along with some indian/arab cloths to put them around the neck and said: "sold." that someone was most probably a fashion designer. their job is to create an image young people would most like to follow. at some point it's got a lot to do with psychology. it well shows the confused, clichéd and made-up nature of today's youth. erosion of integrity of everything that society 'stands' for. that's true hypocracy the way i see it.



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Guest nene multiple assgasms
nerds like trance and hipsters like electro.


if this is true, then fuck nerds! it's all about some hipsters! (it's not true, though, is it?)


you'll never see them a the same place unless daft punk plays at a comic convention


what does daft punk have to do with trance or electro?

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nerds like trance and hipsters like electro.


if this is true, then fuck nerds! it's all about some hipsters! (it's not true, though, is it?)


you'll never see them a the same place unless daft punk plays at a comic convention


what does daft punk have to do with trance or electro?



dunno but I LOLed mighty.



Im a nerd, full time, and i know it. Used to be one o' them steam punk types with the pocket watch, but i didn't know what steam punk was, i just thought having a pocket watch was badass as all shit. When you gotta take your watch out of pocket, you pay attention to what time it is, you know what im sayin?

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he thinks daft punk is electro because ain't hip to the lingo


(hmm, i checked the dictionary and it doesn't say you can use the word hip like that.. i thought you could)

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