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what's the worst injury you've ever had?

Guest chax

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My cecum/appendix bursted and I almost died in bed, PAIN!


how/why did it burst? how'd you get to the hospital?

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i broke my ankle trying to run up the wall.. at first it was nothing more then a hairline fracture, the guys at the hospital just put a (backslab) on and told me to see how it goes... then the night after i went to a party and fell down some stairs, walking hard on my broken ankle which complete broke it even more. a few days after i had to goto hospital and have pins put in my ankle. i was 19



another one 16 years ago, i wasplaying in the park when i went to chase this guy down a little hill and i tripped and my knee landed on a stone that was poking out. BOOM went right into my kneecap huge dent blood and shit. needed 8 stiches, that was the day when i saw my kneecap!


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I've never really had a serious injury, one time a bus crashed into me at about 50 mph but the bus came out worse for wear. My brother on the other hand recalls his motorbike injury where all he remembers is the bike literally launching up into the air after throwing him off and realising his upper back was on the floor as well as the front of his legs. He got twisted up pretty fucking bad, amazing his survived that. He recovered startlingly quick, but has had a couple of operations since recovering for knee problems.


I'm scared of breaking my nose.

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Guest abusivegeorge
My cecum/appendix bursted and I almost died in bed, PAIN!


how/why did it burst? how'd you get to the hospital?


Fucking hell chax

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Guest taxman

i had the tip of my left index finger broken off at the first knuckle in a factory accident. i went into shock at the sight of it. they took me to several hospitals in the area and an ex-airborne medic put the fingertip back on. the fingernail is still all creased and wrinkled from it and the skin around the nail never fully healed back together. there's one scar that still splits open when my skin is dry.


i also broke my leg in second grade because a fat kid jumped on it and then this little piece of shit skinny kid jumped on him. it probably wasn't as bad as the finger but i was little and wasn't that good at dealing with pain.


i've also had blood poisoning, and although i guess that is really serious it was more of an annoyance to me. i jumped in a pond with bare feet and landed on a sharp rock. i guess some duck shit and the rock stayed in the bottom of my foot and the next day i had red streaks running up my leg. the only bad part was having the rocks and shit removed.

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i had the tip of my left index finger broken off at the first knuckle in a factory accident. i went into shock at the sight of it. they took me to several hospitals in the area and an ex-airborne medic put the fingertip back on. the fingernail is still all creased and wrinkled from it and the skin around the nail never fully healed back together. there's one scar that still splits open when my skin is dry.


i also broke my leg in second grade because a fat kid jumped on it and then this little piece of shit skinny kid jumped on him. it probably wasn't as bad as the finger but i was little and wasn't that good at dealing with pain.


i've also had blood poisoning, and although i guess that is really serious it was more of an annoyance to me. i jumped in a pond with bare feet and landed on a sharp rock. i guess some duck shit and the rock stayed in the bottom of my foot and the next day i had red streaks running up my leg. the only bad part was having the rocks and shit removed.


Fuck fat kids.

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my good karma incidents have been going through the roof recently, im expected some kind of major disaster any day now. ive never injured myself though, apart from falling off my bike once and getting concussion.

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i shattered my ball* when a skate boarding stunt went wrong. doctors couldn't do anything to fix it, for 3-4 weeks you could hear it crunch when i walked.


* - ball of heel.


also when i was 12, on holiday, go-karting, neck and neck, full pelt down a straight my brother nudged me out of the way and i crashed hard into the tire wall, spinning up in the air... my calf came down with force on the rapidly spinning front tire and ground off loads of skin and flesh... with 2 weeks in the hot sun still left of the holiday, and no swimming allowed.



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Guest tv_party

when I was 16 I bent my right ankle over 90 degrees skateboarding ollieing off a bench and broke it. turned nasty black and blue. still tried to skate that day before I went to the clinic and found out it was broken. never healed right and kickflips aggravated it years after. I couldn't run and had to walk slow on rough ground for over a year after I got the cast off. was spooked after that and skated like a chicken. I can still feel where it's like a fragment split off and is sticking up in there.

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i broke my ankle about 2-3 weeks ago falling down some stairs


sliced the skin off my index finger by trapping it in a metal framed door


broke both my legs


fractured my wrist 3 times playing rugby


i can dislocate my jaw at will and some of my fingers

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Guest Grizz

Never broken a bone in my body or done anything accidentally thats hurt me which is a miracle considering how clumsy and dozy I am.


2 years ago though I was a little coked up and very drunk and I walked home. On the way back I saw some guy who had aggrivated me in the past and told me bullshit stories where he had bullied my friends and I attacked him (despite never before having a fight in my life), despite him having a few friends with him. I was giving it pretty good so his friends intervened and I got the shit kicked out of me in the end, and saved thanks to a random neighbour hearing the commotion at 2am. Ended up having a massive cut on the left side of my head and had to have it my head all glued together as they couldnt give me stitches. Got a nice scar for life on there and can't shave my hair without the massive scar making me look like I had ringworm

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how/why did it burst? how'd you get to the hospital?


I don't know why. I thought I just had the flu at first so I stayed in bed. The next day when I woke up I thought somebody had stabbed me or that I'd eaten glass. I was delirious and had a crazy high fever from all the puss(tuss) inside me, but I somehow managed to call someone and they came and picked me up and then drove me to the ER. Then I was in the hospital for two weeks, out for one week and back in for two more weeks.

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  • 4 months later...

I broke my clavical bone last night. This shit hurts like a mother fucker.


Vicodin is awesome.


Morphine makes me feel sick.




wut happened?


sux ....*sends positive healing energy your way*

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Guest WhoNeedsElectricity

I was sitting on the top tube of a bike and my foot got caught in the spokes. The injury was terrible, but the rural Italian hospital was even worse.

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I broke my clavical bone last night. This shit hurts like a mother fucker.


Vicodin is awesome.


Morphine makes me feel sick.




wut happened?


sux ....*sends positive healing energy your way*


I got cut off by another biker while I was headed down a hill. I was going about 20-30mph, too. My bike's frame is bent, and the front wheel is completely gnarled up.


The other guy asked if I was okay. I told him no, then he got on his bike and took off. The bitch wasn't wearing a helmet or a light. Fucker. A friend of mine happened to be a minute or so behind me, and found me in the middle of the road. He actually stepped in front of a car before it hit me when I was doubled over in the middle of the street.


I think the worst part is that they had to cut off one of my favorite shirts and hoodie while I was in the ambulance.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

i cut my fucking head open on the razorsharp underside of this playground bridge. i was in 5th grade, and i had to get staples in my head.


just this week, my neighbors 8 year old kid did the SAME THING. when will my old school fuckin fix stuff up?

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Guest thanksomuch

i fucked up my wrist pretty bad six years ago. i was a student at the time, on my way home after a night out. i was pretty wasted, i recall. as i arrived at my place, i noticed that i'd lost my keys. i was too drunk and tired to go all the way back to find them so i decided to climb into my window, which was on the 2nd floor. about halfway up or so, i fell, luckily though, i managed to stretch out my one arm as i hit the ground - i fell backwards, could've landed on my head.


the pain was excruciating. i was rushed to the hospital. the bone in my wrist was scattered in so many fragments they had to put in a titanium replacement:


looks like it should be an IDM album's cover

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Guest ezkerraldean

i fucked up my wrist pretty bad six years ago. i was a student at the time, on my way home after a night out. i was pretty wasted, i recall. as i arrived at my place, i noticed that i'd lost my keys. i was too drunk and tired to go all the way back to find them so i decided to climb into my window, which was on the 2nd floor. about halfway up or so, i fell, luckily though, i managed to stretch out my one arm as i hit the ground - i fell backwards, could've landed on my head.


the pain was excruciating. i was rushed to the hospital. the bone in my wrist was scattered in so many fragments they had to put in a titanium replacement:

ha, i had something really similar happen. was running across a carpark while pissed a few years back, fell over and smashed up my wrist. somehow i didn't notice it until the next morning when i couldn't move my hand and everyone thought it looked a funny shape. i smashed my phone in the same falling over, which concerned me much more at the time.


when i was 2 i had a teapot fall on top of me so i got hench burns on my chest and shit. i was given a skin graft from my arsecheek and inner thigh. so i now have random curly pube hairs on my chest. i pick them out lol

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One time I was playing monkey in the middle in a pool with my step-cousin and some girl. I dived for the medium sized beach ball face first. The lining on it caused a naughty red cut on my face. It scabbed over, but I picked at it. I have a scar. :rolleyes:


I was sleeping over at my aunt's house (she is Korean/adopted btw), and was in the bathroom putting on swim trunks. It was late. I bumped the wall, while trying to balance as I put on my pants or something, and a painting fell tip first onto my foot. It left a swollen, blue bump with a red mark/cut. I put ice on it. The incident made some people ,who were still there after a party, leave, and that made me feel crummy.


I was going to school sophomore year/for grade 10 and using a messenger bag for school. I wore it pretty much exclusively on my left side (I am a Lefty). It FUCKED up my back.

I woke up one day in terrible pain. I stayed home, and called my dad to cancel our regular Tuesday outing :sad: . I was in such bad pain that I cried. The next 2 days my mom wanted me to go to school, but I wouldn't do it, angering her, but got to stay home. It was terrible. I secretly played video-games when I wasn't supposed to. :fear: But Needless to say I wore it on both sides interchangeably after that, and now use a normal backpack.


I'm scared of breaking my nose.

Pretty unrelated, but fucking lol.


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