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What. The. Fuck.


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A while ago I lent a friend of mine my Drum 'n' Bass for Papa CD.


So, she has been upset lately, because her grandmother died. Pretty sad, but not the end of the world. The problem is, this happened before exams, so everyone has been studying, so everyone's been kinda busy studying, and haven't been able to give her the kind of attention she wants.


A couple days ago she called me, and said "Hey, I'm going back to [insert her hometown far away] in a couple days, and I'm totally booked until then, except this very instant. Do you want to go for a walk? The weather outside is beautiful." At this point is was raining like crazy, but she's into that kind of thing. I'm usually up for a good walk in the rain, but I had just come back from one, and was kinda cold and tired, and wanted to take it easy, so I said "How about you come over here instead?" She hung up on me.


I then saw her at an exam. She refused to talk to me.


I then called her, and she hung up on me again.


Am I ever getting Drum 'n' Bass for Papa back? What do you think, watmm?



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I would have spent time with her, since she sounds like she's in distress.


Whatever, you'll probably get it back.

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Guest Adjective

email her

send some sort of message

since you can't confirm if she reads it, she'll be able to read it without upsetting her "mad at you" role she's playing

and maybe if you write something well enough it'll bridge you two back together long enough for you to knock her unconscious and steal drum n' bass for papa

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get it back from her, a record store, amazon, or downloading it....


fuck the friendship...


just get that amazing fucking album back somehow!

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Do you think she thought you were coming on to her?


Haha, I had that same thought.

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email her

send some sort of message

since you can't confirm if she reads it, she'll be able to read it without upsetting her "mad at you" role she's playing

and maybe if you write something well enough it'll bridge you two back together long enough for you to knock her unconscious and steal drum n' bass for papa


Yeah, I should probably do this, or something.


Do you think she thought you were coming on to her?


I'd imagine not. We've been friends for a while, and though she's smoking hot, she is very good at becoming 'one of the lads'. She can hang out with boys and be just platonic friends with them, like the boys are with each other.


she sounds like a prick. irrational and irritating.


Well, keep in mind this just one instant, but I am pretty surprised by this one instant, I must say.


I'd tell her to keep the CD because it has been ruined.


What the hell does that mean?


Pretty much, I bought the double cd afterward, so that will tide me through until September, when I see her again. But seriously, who does this? This is like a bad teen soap.


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Guest dese manz hatin

You do know that every time you listen to that record from now on you will remember the day you hurt this poor little girl whose grandmother had died and who just wanted to talk to you. But you upset her for no reason.

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I'd tell her to keep the CD because it has been ruined.


What the hell does that mean?


you're asking a man who kills cats of girlfriends who don't return his raincoat


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Guest Tony Danza
I'd tell her to keep the CD because it has been ruined.


What the hell does that mean?


you're asking a man who kills cats of girlfriends who don't return his raincoat


It means every time you play the CD, you'll think of a bitch who kept hanging up on you for no reason.


Then, I'd write her a long e-mail about how there was a time in which you two could have gotten together in euphoric bliss, but she destroyed this fantasy with her irrational behavior. I'd probably buy a dozen roses, let them dehydrate and die in the sun, and then press them in a book. I'd send the book to her home with signature confirmation, and follow it with a few phone calls to her of heavy breathing before hanging up unexpectedly.


I would then post the experience on Watmm.



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Guest hahathhat
A while ago I lent a friend of mine my Drum 'n' Bass for Papa CD.


So, she has been upset lately, because her grandmother died. Pretty sad, but not the end of the world. The problem is, this happened before exams, so everyone has been studying, so everyone's been kinda busy studying, and haven't been able to give her the kind of attention she wants.


A couple days ago she called me, and said "Hey, I'm going back to [insert her hometown far away] in a couple days, and I'm totally booked until then, except this very instant. Do you want to go for a walk? The weather outside is beautiful." At this point is was raining like crazy, but she's into that kind of thing. I'm usually up for a good walk in the rain, but I had just come back from one, and was kinda cold and tired, and wanted to take it easy, so I said "How about you come over here instead?" She hung up on me.


I then saw her at an exam. She refused to talk to me.


I then called her, and she hung up on me again.


Am I ever getting Drum 'n' Bass for Papa back? What do you think, watmm?


grab her bum, then when she gets pissed tell her it was huge and you thought she had your CD stashed in there

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

just relax. she'll work out whatever has her off and you'll be friends again. or send her some flowers to really freak her out

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I'd tell her to keep the CD because it has been ruined.


What the hell does that mean?


you're asking a man who kills cats of girlfriends who don't return his raincoat


It means every time you play the CD, you'll think of a bitch who kept hanging up on you for no reason.


Then, I'd write her a long e-mail about how there was a time in which you two could have gotten together in euphoric bliss, but she destroyed this fantasy with her irrational behavior. I'd probably buy a dozen roses, let them dehydrate and die in the sun, and then press them in a book. I'd send the book to her home with signature confirmation, and follow it with a few phone calls to her of heavy breathing before hanging up unexpectedly.


I would then post the experience on Watmm.


I'd tell you you're over-sensitive, but it's obvious you're joking.


Nothing could ruin Drum 'n' Bass for Papa.

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Guest assegai

Any question regarding girls should have an automatic response that sayss "who the fuck knows". They pull weird shit like that all time with usually no explanation. Don't feel bad. At least a CD is easily replaceable. I'd send her an e-mail explaining your side and then move on if you don't hear back in a couple weeks.

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I don't think Tony Danza knows what a joke is....


Have you seen Who's the Boss?


About as funny as an abscessed sore on an asshole....

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