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Other Names For Toilet Paper


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I've always called them ass napkins, but what other names for toilet paper are there?


Also, why don't they make toilet paper brown, or bother bleaching/colouring it - it's just gonna end up brown or some shade thereof eventually. Seems like a waste of resources.


Has anybody wiped with a corncob before, like in the olden days? I don't think I could eat corn after doing that.

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Guest Iain C

I think the reason bog roll comes in white is because it makes a nice high-contrast background for you to inspect your wipings.

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Bath tissue


See, I've heard it called that as well, and that makes no damn sense - first off, toilet paper would be the last thing I would use in the bathtub! it gets really, really soggy quick.


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Guest Gary C

You're just jealous because I rode the porcelain throne without a ticket. I'm wily like that.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I call them "little pieces of LUDD"


Everytime I wipe my ass, I am wiping my ass on a little piece of LUDD.

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