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dead space

Guest iamabe

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Guest iamabe



Has anyone else played this wonderful family game? I'm enjoying it enought to play through a second time on hard. I havent cared about any games in a long time.

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Guest assegai

I had a blast playing through it once on normal. It certainly makes the best out of your home theater system. Didn't find much replay value though.

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Too stressfull. I can only handle being assaulted from all sides by screaming zombies for so many seconds before my nervous system shuts down and i fall unconscious

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excellent fucking game. Its structure was overall very similar to RE4 which i really liked. The weapon upgrade system, the bonus armour, the fact that it has new game+ so you get to have your shit from the last playthrough, its awesome in every way shape and form.


Fantastic game, I praise it highly

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The shock value went from 100% to just around 20% in a matter of a few levels. I was shitting myself the first couple of levels but once I figured out the pattern it didn't really scare me. Also it got too repetitive and there was too much back tracking.

But, I have to say the levels where you walk around outside the spaceship were really impressive!

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why isn't the demo on steam? i'm not sure if my pc is good enough to play it. though i should probably finish hl2, bioshock and the other games that i'm halfway through, zole.

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Guest JohnTqs
why isn't the demo on steam? i'm not sure if my pc is good enough to play it. though i should probably finish hl2, bioshock and the other games that i'm halfway through, zole.


just finish bioshock

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I thoroughly enjoyed dead space. Although, I've been much more into gaming ever since every publisher has decided to dive into the survival horror genre.

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Guest catsonearth

i liked this game too. very cinematic. wasn't the best game ever, but definitely worth playing through. i dig the way they hid all the hud stuff into the actual game environment. much more immersive that way.

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