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Guest blicero
Why does everyone think HL:2 is so great? I've not played it myself, but from what I've seen of it, it's another FPS/adventure title. Is the story really amazing or something?


while i don't usually like to reply to posts that contain the phrase "I've not played it myself, but..."


i will say that when it came out, HL2 had the best graphics and physics engine the world had seen (probably). and it was infinitely mod-able (see: Left4Dead & Portal)



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i will say that when it came out, HL2 had the best graphics and physics engine the world had seen (probably).


i remember this too even though i wasn't into the game, it kind of knocked Doom 3 off it's pedestal for the time.

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Why does everyone think HL:2 is so great? I've not played it myself, but from what I've seen of it, it's another FPS/adventure title. Is the story really amazing or something?


while i don't usually like to reply to posts that contain the phrase "I've not played it myself, but..."


i will say that when it came out, HL2 had the best graphics and physics engine the world had seen (probably). and it was infinitely mod-able (see: Left4Dead & Portal)


Ah, I see - I guess not being into computer games at that time (or still), the "amazing graphics" must have escaped my radar.


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Why does everyone think HL:2 is so great? I've not played it myself, but from what I've seen of it, it's another FPS/adventure title. Is the story really amazing or something?


The atmosphere, characters, creatures and story (or lack thereof) were/are amazing. I love how you can get sucked into a story without really knowing what's going on. You get hints here and there and have to put everything together yourself and you're never really sure of what's going on. Even if it might sound stupid just think of some of David Lynch's greatest movies such as Blue Velvet, Mulholland Dr., and Lost Highway. You have no idea what you're watching but you like it.

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Why does everyone think HL:2 is so great? I've not played it myself, but from what I've seen of it, it's another FPS/adventure title. Is the story really amazing or something?


The atmosphere, characters, creatures and story (or lack thereof) were/are amazing. I love how you can get sucked into a story without really knowing what's going on. You get hints here and there and have to put everything together yourself and you're never really sure of what's going on. Even if it might sound stupid just think of some of David Lynch's greatest movies such as Blue Velvet, Mulholland Dr., and Lost Highway. You have no idea what you're watching but you like it.


Finally, a *real* answer to my question - thanks, Squee!


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Guest catsonearth

yea, it's just a really solid game on all fronts. if you haven't played it, definitely pick up the orange box and give it a go. probably the best story-based FPS of all time. started replaying it again a few months ago and while i didn't get far before other games distracted me, it was still doing it for me even though the graphics aren't quite as state of the art anymore. there's nothing that really takes you out of the immersion of the game. and the ravenholm level is to this day one of the scariest game levels i've ever played. shit freaks me the fuck out, man.

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I've tried to get into HL 1 and HL2 on a few occasions, at least 3 or 4. I always get to some vehicle level that drives me insane and quit. I think the first time it was when you got that boat, and the second time it was when you get the racer and all those hydralisks are attacking you.


I only played TF and Portal on Orange Box, I couldn't stomach HL enough to get to episode 2.


I'm also not really a fan of the bleak post apocalyptic brown/green settings. I wasn't a fan of this either in Fallout 3 but I could endure Fallout 3 for whatever reason.


Honestly after that monstrosity called Steam I can't take Valve seriously anymore. Having to log into steam to play Half Life almost made me throw my computer out the window (same goes for this new Games4Windows BS).


Ugh PC gaming... so much potential...

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Why does everyone think HL:2 is so great? I've not played it myself, but from what I've seen of it, it's another FPS/adventure title. Is the story really amazing or something?


The atmosphere, characters, creatures and story (or lack thereof) were/are amazing. I love how you can get sucked into a story without really knowing what's going on. You get hints here and there and have to put everything together yourself and you're never really sure of what's going on. Even if it might sound stupid just think of some of David Lynch's greatest movies such as Blue Velvet, Mulholland Dr., and Lost Highway. You have no idea what you're watching but you like it.


Finally, a *real* answer to my question - thanks, Squee!


how was blicero's answer not real?


Ah, I see - I guess not being into computer games at that time (or still), the "amazing graphics" must have escaped my radar.


are you putting in quotes because you doubt this about the game? if so why? you have admitted you don't play PC games from that era which could account for a lot of holes in your history of videogame knowledge, nothing to be ashamed of but i get the sense you don't believe the graphics were amazing for the time

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Guest catsonearth
I've tried to get into HL 1 and HL2 on a few occasions, at least 3 or 4. I always get to some vehicle level that drives me insane and quit. I think the first time it was when you got that boat, and the second time it was when you get the racer and all those hydralisks are attacking you.


hmm, i didn't mind the driving parts really. except the first time i played the hovercraft level i got stuck on one part where i couldn't figure out for the life of me how to get one of the gates open. had to consult gamefaqs.


other than that i kinda liked the driving levels.

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another great thing about the game is how you get immersed, the game never takes you out of the eyes of the main character to see some cinematic and you never see the characters face, it lets you get right into it and feel like you are actually part of the story and that the characters are talking to you.


the way they tell the story is unique and unlike any other game i've seen. they kind of give you bits of info piece by piece and you get to fit the puzzle together yourself to try to figure out what is going on. everyone has their own theories about what is happening in the story, who the enemy is, what their motives are, who is the G-MAN, etc.


really good stuff and it deserves all the hype it gets.


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and also, if you have been into it from the start, one of the best intros to a game ever (THE best?)

you start your day job as a scientist and it all goes tits up when you get asked to do an experiment.


all without cut scenes. it worked really really well. would seem basic now but was a massive step up for games at the time. so very immersive.


and it works perfectly with my 30 quid 3d stereo glasses and thus is the most immersive game ever. much better than ico, for instance.


edit* dont have any time at all for games atm, as i get dragged into them and have to do everything about the game, but im quite looking forward to playing some of these a bit. bayonette, for instance, looks nice for a pickup n play job.

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it's a good game joi ... storywise .. pacing wise ...


some people aren't fps people though ... that's why theykeep making these fucking annoying 3rd person view games ... and don't let you use keyboard and mouse on any fucking PS3 titles even though they promised that they would ... some people just don't understand ...


it's like when ubisoft went to james cameron and demo'd the avatar stuff they'd been working on and he didn't like the first person view so had them change it to third .. "you have to be able to see that the character is a green blar blar blar" ... i don't think he get it ... we know that we're playing an alien monster ... but it's us playing it .. the novelty of seeing the sprite fucking wears off then it just gets in the way of gameplay ... (it's handy in things like things like bayonetta cause you can see what's comming i spose .. but that's a different kind of gameplay .. based on combo's and constant blocks/evades and whatever ) ...


hah .. holy shit on the i digress thing there .. ;-] ..

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Guest Pennywise

half life is so good that if valve announced half life 3 would come out next week i would literally spaz out and ejaculate my balls off.

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Idk, but I think Natal is the most impressive motion tech shown... from the behind closed doors impressions not one person has been disappointed... go read the engaget review for example

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the story of Half Life is pretty bland. The things that make the game great are level design and immersion. They care about the world they're creating, down to every last detail.

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that's right, I forgot there are so many choices to make and branching storylines.




The selling point for Half Life has always been that it feels like you are stepping inside a movie. That doesn't mean it's a very good movie, apart from the visuals. I had high hopes after the first game but it seems to be going in the direction of X-files plus soap opera. Not quite that bad, but close. I don't give a shit about Alyx or the comic relief doctor or the cute sidekick Dog, etc...It's not Deus Ex or Thief, by a long shot.


Visually though it's amazing, and the levels are really creative and well-paced, if far too linear for their own good.

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in other news, my copy of red faction guerilla arrived today complete with rather interesting little walker toy thing.


goodbye weekend!



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Why does everyone think HL:2 is so great? I've not played it myself, but from what I've seen of it, it's another FPS/adventure title. Is the story really amazing or something?


The atmosphere, characters, creatures and story (or lack thereof) were/are amazing. I love how you can get sucked into a story without really knowing what's going on. You get hints here and there and have to put everything together yourself and you're never really sure of what's going on. Even if it might sound stupid just think of some of David Lynch's greatest movies such as Blue Velvet, Mulholland Dr., and Lost Highway. You have no idea what you're watching but you like it.


Finally, a *real* answer to my question - thanks, Squee!


how was blicero's answer not real?


Ah, I see - I guess not being into computer games at that time (or still), the "amazing graphics" must have escaped my radar.


are you putting in quotes because you doubt this about the game? if so why? you have admitted you don't play PC games from that era which could account for a lot of holes in your history of videogame knowledge, nothing to be ashamed of but i get the sense you don't believe the graphics were amazing for the time


Blicero's answer was helpful, but I wanted more of a reason why the game was good, not just that it had "amazing graphics" for it's time.


Also, "amazing graphics" was in quotes because of course compared to today's graphics, they don't hold up, and really, I don't recall ever hearing about how the graphics were amazing - quite the contrary, it was the "epic storyline" that all I ever heard about it in terms of praise.


And I don't play computer games, period - never have, never will. Too much of a hassle compared to a console (yeah, it's easier, blah blah blah), and with all the things you have to worry about like how good your video card is, etc. I'd rather play games made to a consistent standard, so I know if it looks or plays like shit, it's not the console, it's the shoddy programming. That's just my personal preference, though.



it's a good game joi ... storywise .. pacing wise ...


some people aren't fps people though ... that's why theykeep making these fucking annoying 3rd person view games ... and don't let you use keyboard and mouse on any fucking PS3 titles even though they promised that they would ... some people just don't understand ...


it's like when ubisoft went to james cameron and demo'd the avatar stuff they'd been working on and he didn't like the first person view so had them change it to third .. "you have to be able to see that the character is a green blar blar blar" ... i don't think he get it ... we know that we're playing an alien monster ... but it's us playing it .. the novelty of seeing the sprite fucking wears off then it just gets in the way of gameplay ... (it's handy in things like things like bayonetta cause you can see what's comming i spose .. but that's a different kind of gameplay .. based on combo's and constant blocks/evades and whatever ) ...


hah .. holy shit on the i digress thing there .. ;-] ..


Unreal Tournament DOES allow you keyboard and mouse control/support. Juss' sayin'



New Mario!


Erm, not "new", considering Mario Galaxy 2 is basically a continuation of the first game, and New Super Mario Bros. Wii is basically a Wii version of NSMB on DS with new suits and 4 player action added. I'm sure they will be fun as hell and well-designed though.


sorry but eyepet looks fucking brilliant.




Yes, yes it does.


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It had indisputably "amazing graphics" for the time, and in my opinion it still has "amazing graphics."


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