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enormous turd NSFW


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Guest David R James

wow thats a big turd, but i dont reckon i would have any kind of urge to pick it up

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wow thats a big turd, but i dont reckon i would have any kind of urge to pick it up


my first thoughts.

and second thoughts.

and I'm still thinking that now.

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so one question, who is the coprophliac who decided to take it out the toilet with their bare hands? forgive me if someone already inquired to why someone has not only taken a picture of their own shit but is holding in mid air with an ungloved hand.


wow thats a big turd, but i dont reckon i would have any kind of urge to pick it up


my first thoughts.

and second thoughts.

and I'm still thinking that now.


whoops i guess someone else was wondering the same thing i was !

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Guest theSun

i don't know about you guys, but it's pretty standard procedure for me to get a good feel of each turd before i flush them into oblivion. it's the least you could do, amirite?

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Guest 277: 930-933

This reminds me of something that happened in grade school.

Someone took a dump and didn't flush and our teacher found the turd and took the effort to take it out of the bowl and show it to the whole class because it was so enormous.

This memory came back to me a few days ago and it reminded me of WATMM, then I forgot about it again and then WATMM reminded me of it.

It's like some sort of shit related Mobius loop.


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firstly i am amazed by shear the size of that turd.


then i think ew put that down you sick bastard.


i notice how it seems to have put up a struggle on exit, grabbed onto the seat and clawed it's way down the bowl.


lastly i see the tide line of wet/dry showing that less than half of it had been submerged.


absolutely fuckin A1 brilliant pic!

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Guest zaphod

i remember finding a turd like this in a urinal in fourth grade. i flushed it just to see what would happen and it went under but then breached the surface like the red october and flew up out of the urinal and onto the floor. typhoon class turd.

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i'm also reminded....


age 14 round at my mates i hear his dad suddenly yelling from the bathroom next door 'AAARRRGGHHH JESUS!!! WHOSE IS THE MASSIVE DEED SOLDIER?!' my pal giggled uncontrollably and the whole household was summoned for a look.


his dad had to get a big knife and chop up the shite into flushable chunks.


so to me, ever since, a long unflushed shite turning the water cloudy brown is known as a 'deed soldier' (west central scottish accent essential)

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