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Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

Rubin Farr

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cant fault burton for employing his wife.


i think you easily can, if his wife is appropriate for a role more power to him. if his wife is inappropriate for a role then he shouldn't hire her. Sadly this has been the case in pretty much every role he's casted her in besides Planet of the apes. Joel Coen doesn't cast Frances in every female lead for a reason, she wouldn't be appropriate for them.


maybe joel doesnt love frances as hard as tim loves what's-her-name

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saw it last night.


we thought it was more immersive than avatar. slower visuals, the cat and landscapes were beautiful.


story was too pg'ish unfortunately..



im waiting for a well made adult film in 3d. preferably hentai.

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im waiting for a well made adult film in 3d. preferably hentai.


I was reading an article, in my local murdock paper of all places. The point was that they had interviewed local pron makers at the visiting funshow that is sexpo, and they stated that they hadn't the cash yet nor the consumer demand to start filming in 3-D. We'll see how long that lasts.


As for hentai, well usually computer generated completely 3-D style anime seems less artistic, somewhat visually soulless. We'll see what I think when i'm horny though. :rhubear2:

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im waiting for a well made adult film in 3d. preferably hentai.


I was reading an article, in my local murdock paper of all places. The point was that they had interviewed local pron makers at the visiting funshow that is sexpo, and they stated that they hadn't the cash yet nor the consumer demand to start filming in 3-D. We'll see how long that lasts.


As for hentai, well usually computer generated completely 3-D style anime seems less artistic, somewhat visually soulless. We'll see what I think when i'm horny though. :rhubear2:



i just mean ultraviolence.... something like appleseed or :prays: production I.G./4Degrees C... im sure if anyone can make 3d films with hand-drawn/computer animation the japanese can........ tekkon kinkreet or dimension bomb in 3d would fucking rule


im not sure their process, but im sure something can be done. hell they could re-render appleseed easily. (not that its such a good film but hey)





something like KARAS.. the lead character is mo-capped im sure

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i just mean ultraviolence.... something like appleseed or :prays: production I.G./4Degrees C... im sure if anyone can make 3d films with hand-drawn/computer animation the japanese can........ tekkon kinkreet or dimension bomb in 3d would fucking rule


im not sure their process, but im sure something can be done. hell they could re-render appleseed easily. (not that its such a good film but hey)





something like KARAS.. the lead character is mo-capped im sure


tekkon kinkreet in 3d would be mindblowing :emotawesomepm9:


I didn't like the real scenes filmed in 3D


the 3d effect is not very interesting there

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tekkon kinkreet in 3d would be mindblowing :emotawesomepm9:


I didn't like the real scenes filmed in 3D


the 3d effect is not very interesting there


yeah.. 3D is interesting (ive been a 3D gamer with LCD shutterglasses for years) and if you expand the depth of the effect you end up feeling like you're small and everything is large. and the distance is distorted so something thrown at you will appear to be arcing faster towards you.



part of the reason it worked well in 3d was because the art style allowed for higher depth and distortions



if you liked tekkon kinkreet watch dimension bomb. its my favourite. and made by morimoto (head of studio 4 degrees c, proper oldschool animator, worked on ghibli or akira or something) under the influence of a certain dissociative psychedelic it blows heads more than anything ive ever shown people

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tekkon kinkreet in 3d would be mindblowing :emotawesomepm9:


I didn't like the real scenes filmed in 3D


the 3d effect is not very interesting there


yeah.. 3D is interesting (ive been a 3D gamer with LCD shutterglasses for years) and if you expand the depth of the effect you end up feeling like you're small and everything is large. and the distance is distorted so something thrown at you will appear to be arcing faster towards you.



part of the reason it worked well in 3d was because the art style allowed for higher depth and distortions



if you liked tekkon kinkreet watch dimension bomb. its my favourite. and made by morimoto (head of studio 4 degrees c, proper oldschool animator, worked on ghibli or akira or something) under the influence of a certain dissociative psychedelic it blows heads more than anything ive ever shown people


wow dimension bomb looks totally awesome thanks :beer:


is it part of the Genius Party DVD?

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genius party beyond - the 2nd genius party dvd.


tojin kit - on the sanme dvd is a story they have been doing shorts for, for a few years now..... its brilliant also.



dimension bomb is pure abstract btw. tojin kit has a story. well, DB still has a story but its best watched with an open mind



i wish they were full films..... maybe someday!

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Im waiting for holograms. They need displays that have 3 dimensions without the glasses. They hurt



lol, my gfs 5 year old daughter at a christmas carol 3D - "help, my eyes are melting"



i want to see it again, in a hole:] immersion was that good.

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i liked how they portrayed the wealthy, stuck-up family gathering as alice's means for escape to her imagination, with the catchy "i need a moment", yet it disappointed me how later on, alice becomes almost a business partner with the father of the family, talking nonsense about trading with china, with a foothold in japan, when i feel like she should have abandoned anything related to that sort of privileged, formal lifestyle - basically i would have liked it if she had wrecked shit a little more in the real world.

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On my way to te cinema now, plus I'm gonna be seeing it in the original language even. That's kind of hard to find in Germany, we sure love our stupid fucking dubs. No 3D though but I don't mind. I haven't read any of this thread, nor any reviews, and I've got a sort of neutral position towards Burton right now, so let's see how it's gonna be. :cat:

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Guest theSun

i enjoyed it, the end was a little strange, but i think the movie captured the feel of the original, of course with modern elements.

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Wow this was actually quite awful. :unsure: How sad! I thought me not having high expectations would be a good thing, but what was this? I mean it's Burton after all, I expected that Burton formular I have gotten a bit tired of but that is solid nonetheless, but instead, the whole film just didn't work. It felt more like 100 minutes of unrelated sample footage of what a Tim Burton Alice themed film could look like. Most things were so uninspired and loveless that I felt sorry for the people who obviously did put effort in creating the cgi creatures. I liked Cheshire Cat and his voice as well. Alan Rickman's voice on the Caterpillar was nice too, unfortunately his parts were way short, but that's not something I would criticize. Bonham Carter as queen was an nice idea too imo, even with the big head. But that was it, and that doesn't make a movie. The CGI environment was everything but beautiful or detailed imo, I can't imagine that the non-3D-version I saw made that big of a difference. I wasn't blown away by Avatar either (which I saw the 3D of) but at least the environment was visually up to date. Wonderland/Underland (?) looked lifeless and improvised, and not especially real or visually appealing. Maybe it's down to the film relying on that soft rendering technique that I'm not so fond of, but... a couple of copy pasted Burton-Trees here and a few whatevers there, didn't really do the trick for me. Johnny Depp was the Mad Hatter but he wasn't really all that mad. Maybe I was supposed to already know that he is indeed mad so I didn't need to be convinced in the first place. Or maybe he was mad when he was not on screen, which was rarely the case. I don't know. I usually love Scottish accents but for me he just wasn't a character. Also why did the mouse always damage the eyes of everything? It seemed like an okay little mouse (although I didn't like it) but then suddenly it gets really aggressive and steals the thing's eyeball, and later on, bam, another eye destroyed by the cute little mouse pal. And Alice, wearing armour and all, defeats the jabberwocky by literally decapitating it with the holy sword thing? Jeez... What was the whole business with that sword anyway, it became important at some point, but not enough to make it feel special, then in order to get it, Alice gives the monster thing back it's eyeball, but the sense of danger isn't really gone, then she has time to take a nap right next to it for unknown reasons, then the danger comes up again, then it's gone again... she then has the sword but it seems to do fuck all against the army of cards that don't like like cards. Alice seemed to be getting kinda close with the Hatter, which was awkward, like a 15 year old's dream. It was like seeing hentai from your favourite childhood tv show. Makes you feel dirty. Those are all such very odd decisions. Was it Disney, was it Burton, was it that chick who wrote the script... no idea but it wasn't good. For me the only enjoyable scenes, ironically, were the ones set in the real world. I didn't even notice the Danny Elfman soundtrack. Maybe cause he wrote it to the greenscreen footage, according to imdb. I imagine the whole greenscreen stuff wasn't really helpful. Overall it was a real letdown despite my nonexistant expectations. :sad:

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